XVIII. Hustle A Tough Life

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If it's hard for you it is for me too...


You as Minha's POV:

You carried yourself from the wheelchair to your room upstairs.

The good thing is, you have an escalator chair your mom made.

As you ride going up, you thought of walking by yourself.

I may be a fool right now, but at least I tried and know how will it feel.

Carried yourself up to stand and walk. Sadly, you got exhausted carrying yourself and decided to give up. You let go of the side handle and flopped down.

A big crash was made from your fall.

You groaned in pain and start to cry.

"Minha! " Jimin shouted rushing to your room

"Babe, what the duck is going on... "

You looked at him, still crying.

Jimin walked to you and gave you hug.

"Jimin, I'm sorry"

"Babe, you don't need to be sorry, it's not your fault okay? "

"I'm sorry I can't stand or walk or so anything... I'm sorry I can't work... I'm sorry that I'm such a burden"

"Hey! Stop saying those! You are not a burden! You are a blessing. Okay?"

He carries you to your bed and places you gently.

"now sleep okay? "

Just in time, you were able to stop him by holding his wrist.

"please stay for a while"

Jimin nodded and rested beside you. Your head is on top of his chest.

You can hear his heart beating fast and he breathes as if someone is chasing him. Obviously, he is nervous or he is just romantically excited. It made you smile and drifted of to sleep.

Out of your knowledge, he slipped of your bed and left you in your dream land.

You suddenly wake up from the noise of the door made.

You remembered what happened to you... Those thing bothered you so much that night, it didn't give you anytime to sleep.

That night, you cried yet silent. Covering your mouth to avoid making any noise and not to bother Jimin.

It was so bad that you fell asleep early in the morning.

7:00 am

"Jagi? "

Jimin entered your room noting that your eyes are red and swollen from the last night's cry. He went up to you caressing your cheeks and removing your hair from your face.

You felt the touch of his hand and you shot your eyes open.

It made you jumped and covered your face

"what are you doing here?!? "

"I should ask you. Why are your eyes swollen? "

You didn't answer instead bursted into tears.

He came to you and gave you a tight hug with a pat on the back for comfort.

"okay now, don't cry, you did survive, and I'm here, I'll protect you remember? "

"yeah I know, but what if he comes back?!"

"Minha, he won't okay? He won't harm you anymore."

With those words, you have a little doubt formed within you. He did protect you, but haven't when you were shot.

You felt a little guilty of what you thought but not at the same time.


"Babe? Do you want to go out? "

The day seems to be good, bright,  and the sky is blue so you agreed.

He was pushing you and talking to you but you stared to nothingness. You still felt depressed.

Jimin walked in front of you "hey, why aren't you still moving on? "

Knowing that you should move on because it's been weeks, yet it still contaminated your little brain.

A kid came running to you and gave you a smile.

You don't smile back

"Hyung? Why isn't Noona smiling back? "

Those words of cuteness hurt you so much. You did want to smile back, but you were depressed.

"Kid," he said squatting down next to him

"your Noona is sick. She isn't feeling well. "

"Can I hold her hand"

Without hesitation, the kid held her hand and placed it on his cheek.

"I have a soft face don't I?"

You grinned a little.

The kid jumped for joy and told Jimin he made her smile.

Jimin smiled and looked at you. Still staring to nothingness yet smiling.

The kid left and Jimin waved back.

Little did you know, Jimin was bringing you to the hospital.

"What?! Jagi why am I here?! "

"we are consulting a psychiatrist. "

"Jimin I'm doing fine! Let's go back! "

"aniyo.  Jagi this is for the sake of your health. You're not doing well"

"So you think I'm crazy!!!!!?? "

"No Jagi, I-I"

In tears I entered the hospital. Not wanting to know the results of my metal health.

I know I'm not feeling well, but why will Jimin think I'm not doing well...

Jimin, why?

Author's note

Guys!!! I can't believe we reached 100+ reads!!!  Waaaahhh I'm so happy

Thank you so much guys!!!!

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