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I wanted to know a certain boy. But somehow, my personality couldn't make that possible. Because trying to know the guy would mean that I'd have to walk up to him, say hi, talk to him and stuff. Most of the time, people just walked up to me.

In my head, I was a very confident, genuine person. So I could answer people if they had any doubts on anything when they asked me about it directly. The only two students I ever willingly talked to were Carla and Ginny.

But both of them were slipping from my grasp.
And I'd soon go back to being alone, I guess.

Not that I resented it of course. It was a part of my job being a nerd. But to be honest, having the both of them around was fun. Used to be, at least.

And it's not like my personality allowed me to be completely alone all the time. There was always someone or the other asking for help or advice or a favor or just to drop a little compliment about my voice. For example,

Nick (Lead singer of The Lashers) : Your performance was lit, Susan!

Susan : Oh, uh . . . . . Thanks, I guess. Yours too.

      I sounded . . . . not so preoccupied, but preoccupied.
      I was also looking around, paying not so much attention to Nick.

Nick : So, uh, maybe we could hangout sometime later.

Susan : Oh . . . . . . . yeah, sure— Wait, what?

      Nick smiled. He was very, very popular. Given my status, even the nerds of the science club had never said anything like that to me. And I had thought I wasn't good enough. Or maybe I wanted to think that.

Nick : If you're free tomorrow, then we could maybe, go somewhere?

Susan : Really? Where?

Nick : I dunno. You decide. I'll pick you up at four after school. Is that cool?

Cool? I think?
But I didn't say anything, just nodded instead.
Nick gave me a thumbs up and went his way.

Ginny : Did he just ask you out or what?

Susan : Woah, you totally startled me!

Carla : We heard all that.

Ginny : Omg, Nick! He's gotta be the hottest guy in the whole school.

Susan : Okay, stop. I barely even said yes. And plus, I'm still not completely convinced about you guys ditching me.

Carla : And that's why we're gonna give you a treat today!

Susan : Hm . . . . . If it's pizza, then I guess I'll forgive you guys.

Ginny : Chuckle. . . . . Definitely pizza!

But I had to admit Nick really was hot. Sandy silk hair, shiny brown eyes, tall slender shoulders and gorgeous eyebrows. Somehow everyone noticed the eyebrows. Ginny and Carla continued staring at him and urged me to do the same.

Susan : Let's leave before your boyfriends arrive.

They regarded my sarcasm and minutes later, we were entering through the tinkling door of a nearby pizzeria.

Susan : Get me a pepperoni pizza, would you?

Ginny : Your wish is my command.

Susan : Hah, yeah. It better be.

As we walked around the place to find seats, guess who I noticed? That certain boy. Jeremiah, they called him. Well, at least I know his name now. He didn't see me though.
When I walked nearer, I realized his hangout buddy circle included two girls. And one of them was all over him. I eyed her.
Tara, wasn't it? I think she's in my english class.

Something happened to my heart. A weird sort of feeling flooded my veins. I frowned to myself.

So he has a girlfriend, huh?

Oh well. Never mind then.

Hola! Vote!! Comment!!!
- Mallina

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