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'And if I ever leave her
they gone kill my family'

1 Week Later

I was on my way to meet king to talk about this new arrangement he about to put me and the gang on. Apparently he was moving us up in the ranks so he was gone assign us a block and we was in charge of running it. All we had to do was pick up shipments or have somebody else do it and make sure it get to the spot he assigns us so they can bag it and then give it to the corner boys so they can sell it or they can do drops with small clients. All we had to do was make sure shit was running smoothly at all times and that king got his cut of the profits every week.

We was easily gone be making a mil every week. Pulling in his circle driveway I park right in the middle before stepping out the car.

"I don't got time for you today" I chuckle as big black opens the door.

"I'm not even gone get on ya ass today lil nigga" He smirks. I smack my lips chucking walking through the foyer. As I got closer to the living room I heard laughter.

"kilo come here" King smiles throwing his arm over my neck.

"This is my daughter, zara" I look at her burning holes in her eyes, it felt like I was staring through her soul. She looks down but I continued staring at her, trying to see who she really was because she seemed so unrecognizable to me in this moment.

"Nice to meet you" I spit threw gritted teeth.

"Nice to meet you too" She quietly replies.

"I should be going papi" He nods as they share a brief hug before she disappears from the living room.

"I trust you to not go around telling people about my daughter. She's in the shadows for a reason" His tone was stern but deadly.

"What daughter" I shrug and a smile made it's way across his face.

"See that's why I'm moving you up in the ranks, let's take a walk" He said patting my shoulder.

We walk outside and he starts going on and on about the block we'd be running and the spot we were being assigned but I wasn't listening. My head was spinning and I didn't feel like I was in reality, I was standing right next to king but he sounded so far away.

"Have you spoke to Kil and Ash about this?" I ask cutting him off from whatever he was saying.

"Yes. I've spoken to all of you individually"

"Good, cause I gotta go but I'll have ash or kil fill me in on the rest or whatever"

"That's fine with me" He shrugs and I nod turning on my heels walking off.

I needed a drink even though the memory impairment would be temporary, I just needed to stop thinking.

For the first time in a long time I found myself at Angel Exotic by myself, taking shot after shot of henny and remy.

"You want a dance" Mia whispers in my ear running her hands down my chest. I nod in desperate need for a bigger distraction, she smirks grabbing my hand and I stand up letting her guide me to the back.

Once we got to the back she pushes me down on the sofa in one of the private rooms as drake practice starts playing throughout the room. My mind instantly drifts off to zara, she was always playing take care in her car. I tried shaking the thought of her out my head but she just kept coming back, I had this beautiful girl in front of me yet I couldn't get her out of my fucking brain.

Looking at mia an uneasy feeling settled in my stomach, this shit wasn't right. I stood up but she pushes me back down with a smirk on her face straddling my lap.

"Man this shit ain't right" I shake my head trying to stand up but she kept pushing me back down.

"Let me help you ease your mind" She whispers placing kisses on my neck.

Something in the back of my mind was telling me to get up and leave but I didn't contest when she undid my belt.

Walking in the house I make eye contact with zara who was sitting at the kitchen counter with a blank face.

"I been sitting here for hours waiting on you. Where you been at?" She asks looking me in the eye.

"Why are you here?" I retort opening the fridgerator searching for a gatorade.

"I'm here to talk about earlier, I--"

"You mean at your dads?" I chuckle cutting her off.

"Yes at my dad's, look I didn't know that you worked for him I--"

"Even if I didn't you don't think mentioning that your father is the most notorious man in New York is important?" I question grabbing a red gatorade before closing the fridge, cracking the gatorade open I turn around facing her.

"I don't think it's important, what does he have to do with you and me?"

"Do you know who your father is? What the fuck do you mean, I'm not trying to end up dead cause of you" I tell her leaning back against the counter taking a gulp from the gatorade.

"Yes my dad is a very powerful man but this is why I didn't want to tell you in the first place, look at how you acting"

"I'm looking at you right now and I don't recognize you. How much shit is you really hiding?"

"I'm not hiding nothing, I kept this one thing away from you for this exact reason" She said shaking her head.

"If you told me this from jump we wouldn't be in this predicament right now cause I probably wouldn't be fucking with you" I shrug.

"So what you gone stop fucking with me because of my dad?"

"If you think I'm about to stop fucking with you cause your father is the most powerful man in New York than your absolutely right cause that's exactly what the fuck I'm bout to do, now you gotta step ma"

"Wowww, you just blew mines" She shakes her head stepping down from the stool, she shot me one last glance before walking out the door.

I really been fucking with the plug daughter.

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