Chapter 4

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Kylie's P.O.V

I look out my window and sigh, I breathe in the cold morning air as the sun rises over the horizon. Today is going to be fun, I honestly can't believe in just two days of living in LA I've befriended someone famous.

I've gotten in a fight with two famous people and honestly now their both really close to me. I called Zach last night to apologize and we got to talking and I honestly think he's such an amazing guy.

Me and Jonah made up, even though we barely know each other, that's why I invited him out today. I can honestly see us being the closest of friends ever, even more than me and Taliah.

I wasn't lying when I told him I dated Bradley, me and him were inseparable, that was until I told him I was moving. We had dated for nearly a year and it was honestly the best time of my life.

After I turned eighteen and got really into music, I got an opportunity to hang with the vamps. Not only was it a few weeks ago that we released personal, but I turn nineteen this week.

I feel something brush against my leg and I look down to see Tory at my feet, I instantly smile and lean down to pet her. She licks my hand and I instantly laugh, I grab my phone and set an alarm for eleven.

When I've set it, I quickly hop in the shower and put on some casual clothes for the morning and head downstairs. I turn on my tv and put Netflix on, only to find the new season of Stranger Things was released.

I scream and jump up happily, I haven't been on Netflix in ages and it gives me this as a reward! I watch the first five episodes when my alarm goes off causing me to jump, I groan and turn the show off reluctantly.

I get dressed I into a short black dress with a pair of black and white vans on, I put on a black choker. I put my hair into two Dutch braids, I put my makeup on and take a quick Instagram picture.

 I put my hair into two Dutch braids, I put my makeup on and take a quick Instagram picture

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Liked by JonahMarais, imzachherron and 79,426 others

KylieVaughn I honestly look cute tho! I'm excited to hang out with my new friend and get to know him, even though we got off on the wrong foot, can't wait to see you in 10 😉
View all 672 comments
JonahMarais Can't wait too, check DM's
Imzachherron My new bestie slays! 😍

I smile at the boys comments and I hear a knock at my door, I quickly run downstairs, I open my front door to find Jonah. I smile and hug him briefly and he hugs me back as well.

When I step away he takes my hand and pulls me outside, after I quickly lock the door I reluctantly let him pull me. He opens the passenger door for me and I thanked him whilst stepping in.

He walk around to the other door and started to drive out of my driveway, leaving us in silence. It wasn't awkward, it was just weird, I thought with the way we talked on the phone, we would be chatting.

I turn to him and smile, he looks taken aback for a second and smiles back "lets play twenty questions! Either it's that or we sit in silence" I say Turing my smile into a grin.

He rolls his eyes and turns his head back to the road, but I notice a blush creeping on his cheeks "okay, why did you move to LA? Everyone says it was for music is that true?" He asks.

I look down at my hands in my lap and mentally curse myself for doing this game "I moved here to get away from London, I grew up in Minnesota, that's where I met my best friend. Taliah, you probably have seen so many photos of us together. When I left for London, I took her with me, she was like the sister I never had. My parents adored her, and everything was great, I started my career, I met the Vamps... then my mom died" I say stopping myself from talking any further for the moment.

Jonah didn't push me to say any more, but I felt like I had to get it out, to let the pain in "she was the one person who believed in me all the way, she was an adrenaline junky, she loved anything that made her heart beat fast. She was more of a best friend then a mother, when she died, I stayed in my room twenty four seven, then Bradley came. I had already met him obviously, but he stayed with me, the whole time I was crying. I fell in love, and I guess so did he, but he fell in love with the worst side of me, so when I became my happy self again... he and I got in fights" I say and pause for a breath.

"He would get angry at the fact that I was always happy, especially when I was hanging out with other people, he and I just stopped feeling what he had when we first started dating. We had a break and then a month later, I was miserable again, he was there again, and I didn't fall for him, I more just felt like I had to give us another shot. We dated while I was miserable and we made music together, then I stopped" I say.

"I stopped talking to him, I stopped singing, I stoped caring, and then Taliah was there, she told me that he and I were bad for each other, he only loved me when I was at my worst. I only loved him when I had no one, so I decided to move, I wanted a change of scenery, so when I got an opportunity to be signed by a company I've here, I took it instantly. I told him I was moving and he just kinda left, he didn't even say anything and I thought everything was okay, until I saw pictures of him with another girl. I didn't mind, I mean, we weren't really together at the time, but it still hurt to think he moved on that quickly" I say finally stopping.

Jonah takes my hand and smiles at me sadly, I smile back and wish he didn't feel pity "I'm sorry, for what it worth, Bradleys stupid to have let you go" he says, then he grabs my hand, causing my smile to widen.

Word count: 1112 (that's just for above)

I can't believe I wrote this much 😂😂 it scared me how much I wrote... but I hope you like it, I honestly love writing this book already and I hope you enjoy 😉

I'm deciding to update every weekday, and leave the weekends to do my own things and hang out with friends... bc I DO HAVE A SOCIAL LIFE 😂😂😂 I know... shocker 😂😂😂 though I think I'll be writing two of my chapters ahead bc I'm grounded for another two weeks... so your welcome 😂😂 hope you enjoy

Word count now: 1209

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