Chapter 19

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Daniels P.O.V

I rush around the house, looking for Taliah, when finally find her, she's hopping into her car "Taliah, where are you going? You should stay here, please, don't go" I beg her, she looks at me.

When I see the tears, I rush over to her and open the car door, I kiss her forehead and hug her "when she gets like this, I feel so useless, she's scared for me, but what about her?" She says into my chest.

I push her back and look into her eyes, God those eyes, I fell for them so easily "how about we both go to your house? Hang out there until she gets back, just to be sure" I say, but it feels wrong.

She agrees and we both hop in the car, her driving and me in the passenger seat, we head towards hers and Kylie's house and that's when it happens. Have you eve noticed how in the movies, when something bad happens, time slows down?

That's what happened, he had just crossed an intersection when a truck came out of nowhere. It hit Taliahs side of the car full force causing it to slow when it reached my side.

I blacked out before I could even think about what was happening, but somewhere in the back of my mind, I needed to help Kylie. When I finally awaken, I find myself looking at the white ceiling of a hospital room.

I look to my left careful not to break my neck while I'm at it, only to find Jack and Zach sitting there. I'm relieved when I see them, but that's when I notice their tears, as they stream down their faces.

I groan and try to sit up, that's when they notice me, they rush to my side and hug me "we thought you were going to die, we felt so bad, and after Taliah, we knew Kylie couldn't handle it" Zach said.

I panic, no, she can't be dead, I push them off and rush out of the room, not caring about the pain. I run down hall after hall until I finally see Kylie, she's standing in the waiting room crying into Corbyns shoulder.

I rush over to them and stop dead in my tracks when Corbyn sees me, then Kylie "please tell me okay, please tell me she's going to walk through that door worried about me" I say quietly.

Kylie looks me dead in the eye and bursts into tears whilst shaking her head, I go numb "they say she died before the ambulance could get there, that she was looking at you in her last seconds" she says.

It doesn't help, I love her, I love Taliah, there is no way of explaining how I felt towards her. It was as if, every time I looked at her, I felt like I had the world, she was who I wanted, she was my future.

I fall to the floor, my heart shattering along with my tears as they hit the cold white floor. Why is god so cruel? Why would he decide to take the one thing in my life that I couldn't live without?

He could have taken my voice, I would gladly loose that any day just to spend the rest of my life with Taliah. Kylie wraps her arms around me, and I'm glad she's here, the others don't understand like she does.

After what feels like hours, we pull apart and Kylie look me in the eyes, hers are red from tears "she loved you, she couldn't stop talking about you, and thinking about you" she says.

I nod and wipe my face, I love her too, I just never got to truly tell her that and it hurts "whenever we sat down, all she talked about was you, how you were so beautiful to her" she keeps going on.

I can't help but feel worse, because now that she's saying all this, I feel like I'm falling even deeper in love "but the one thing she regretted was not telling her sister about you" she says after a few minutes.

For a second I'm shocked, I knew that her parents died when she was young, and that she grew up with her aunt. But I never knew she had a sister, let alone any other siblings, why didn't she tell me?

My heart broke making this one, I felt like complete shit because someone VERY close to me in my family died last week. Also I'm sorry if this makes you upset, but it was either she died or I make it so Daniel dies... I literally am crying rn, tears are comping down my face!

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