Chapter 25

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Daniels P.O.V

I don't know what happened between Jonah and Kylie, but they're on the rocks apparently. Kylie's decided to stay the full four days with me and my family instead of Leaving for Jonahs family.

I know she feels bad about it since she was really looking forward to meeting Svea and Esther. I guess it's Jonahs fault though, she told me what had happened and he was completely at fault.

I feel angry at Jonah, yet I can't hate him for long, he is my best friend after all, but Kylie has been there for me. We walk out of the plane and grab our luggage, the flight was mostly quiet.

Kylie said she didn't want to talk until we get far away from Jonah, now we're practically half way across the country. I look at her towards her and she smiles slightly.

I grab her hand and intertwine it with mine, as we step out to the waiting area, I see my family. Christian is home for the week, thank god, but he's probably asleep at home, while my parents are waiting for me next to the car with Anna.

When I see her I smile and she screams and runs to me, I let go of Kylie's hand and hug her tightly. Honestly she's my favorite family member, I love our late night talks and how she always messages me everyday.

When she lets go, I hold Kylie's hand again and I see Anna raise her eyebrow confused "Anna, this is Kylie, my partner in crime, and Kylie this is Anna, my little sister" I say smiling.

It's kinda hard, the last girl I introduced to my family was Taliah and that was when they flew down for a week. Now she's gone, and I feel like there's a hole in my entire existence.

I haven't told anyone how I feel about this, not even Kylie, I know she still hurts as much as I do, but she has Jonah. Well had I guess, but no doubt they'll be back together in a week, because they're in love.

Anna and Kylie hug as my parents walk over and introduce themselves to Kylie, I'm glad she's here. I haven't talked to my parents about Taliahs death yet, they know she passed, but they didn't know I was there.

It's really traumatizing, seeing the girl you love and would do anything for die in front of you. But for my friends I have to keep up the act, make it seem like I'm fine, even though I know Kylie has noticed.

I'm pretty sure she's going to ask me about it sometime in the next four days, I just hope it's later on. Before we hop in the car, my phone vibrates and I check it to find a random number has messaged me.

Random number

I'm pregnant!

Sorry to say this but I'm
Not the father

Oh... okay then 😑😑 I see how
it is get me pregnant by showing
me a photo of Daniel Seavey
and then you say your not
the father 😪

Wrong number 🙄

Wait what? Oh... sorry, this
is the number my sister gave
me... I guess you knew her
before she died huh?

...your Taliah's sister?

Yeah, and you are?

The boy who got you pregnant?


My names Daniel

Daniel Seavey 😉

OMG... my sister knew you?

Yeah, me and your sister loved
each other, I don't know why
but she never told you about
me but I loved her and I still do.

Yeah she was a good friend 😕

Well I wouldn't know, she never
really talked to me about anything
it's kinda my fault, I neglected her
and now I regret it deeply.

I'm sure you didn't mean to.

She loved you though, Kylie has
told me so.

Kylie? You know her?

Wow, you and my sister must
have been really close, when
she moved to London, I never
got the chance to properly know

Yeah, you should reach out
to her, Kylie is amazing, trust
me, and she's super kind
and sweet.

You seem to like her 😅

Yeah she's a good friend

Wait, where are you rn? What

I'm back home now


Asking... because I live in

Wait seriously!? We need to
meet up, first give me your

@ItzMakenaRay 😉

Sorry gtg talk later about
the deets for the meet up

Bye 😩
Taliahs sister is finally in the picture, btw they aren't actual sisters, different mothers, that's how they're the same age... the father is obviously out of the picture, but they have a step dad and Taliahs mum and Makena's mum are still in the picture

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