Chapter 38

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Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been super busy, but I really wanna keep going with this book until it's finished so I'm going to write all the last chapters together so that I can update and not have to spend an hour figuring out what to write. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and thank you so so much for the 4.4k reads! I'm super happy, thank you all
Kylie's P.O.V

I look up the stairs to see Daniel rushing towards me, he engulfs me in a huge bear hug and I can't help but laugh into his shoulder. When we pull apart I see Jonah standing on the last step, looking awkwardly towards me.

Before I can ask what's wrong, he pulls me up the stairs and into his room, closing the door and turning to me. His face looks very pale and I kind of panic and place my hand on his forehead.

"We need to talk... about last night..." he says quietly, scaring me a little.

"Okay? What about it?" I ask cautiously.

"Um... because I was kinda... distracted... I didn't use..." he says nervously.

"Oh..." that's all I could say, I mean I could be pregnant! How else am I meant to react?

Before I know it, I'm left alone. Does he even want a kid? Do I? This will ruin our careers, how are we supposed to even tell our fans that I'm pregnant? Will we just abort it and not tell them? I sigh, this is all too confusing.

One minute I'm the happiest girl in the world because I got someone who loves me as much as I love him. The next I'm contemplating if we should even stay together.

This will ruin at least one of our careers, most likely mine because I would never want to ruin all of those boys' careers. I sigh and stand up, walking downstairs and out the front door.

I don't really have a destination, I just need some air, I place my earphones in and play some music. I go to walk across a small intersection, not really knowing where the hell I am.

I sigh when I see a small coffee shop and head inside, I grab a normal coffee and sit down at a small table. I think about me and Jonah, what if we do have the kid... will we be able to make the commitment to each other?

Will our child even have a mother and father who love each other? Do I love Jonah enough to have this child with him? IS THERE EVEN A FREAKING CHILD TO BEGIN WITH!?

I start to panic, god this is so confusing and I don't know what to do, I need to talk to Jonah about all this. I can't just sit here and ask questions to myself when he's not here to answer.

I sigh and stand up once again, deciding to message him and tell him to meet me at a random park. I don't look both ways as I cross the road because I'm too busy texting him.

That's when it hit me.


I got ran over by a car. And it hurt like a bitch.

The last thing I saw was the car door opening and someone stepping out. Then everything went black.

So... that happened... have fun and don't kill me, she isn't dead I swear! This will just help Jonah in his decision!

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