Chapter 18

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Kylie's P.O.V

I take a deep breath before I start walking down the main roads of LA, it's nice having a day to myself. Even though I'm going to meet up with Taliah later, it feels great to be able to think.

It's been a few days since me and Jonah became friends again, and he's already acting like he used to. It's very confusing, mostly because he's dating Ruby still, and yet whenever we hang out, he hugs me.

Thank god he hasn't kissed me again, if he had, I would really be freaking out because me and Bradley are super close. I think I'm starting to catch feelings for him again which makes no sense when I know I like Jonah.

It's confusing, me and Jonah were practically a couple and when he started dating Ruby, I felt like crap. I guess like always Bradley was there for me in my dark moments.

That's why I'm headed to the small cafe I love, to think all of this over before I head home and talk to Taliah. I know she's at the boys place right now with Daniel, I let her borrow my car after I got the information out of her.

She hugged me and kissed my cheek before rushing out of the house singing to herself, I don't know why but it felt different. Looking back at it, i still feel that way, as if something is going to happen.

Before I can thing more about it, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I grab it out, only to find an unknown number.


You better watch out 😏

Who is this?

You don't know me... but I know
all about you, your Jonahs little
ex, too bad that bitch Ruby got
him. 😒

Okay? Who are you!?

None of your concern, but like I said
I would watch out if I were you, Ruby
doesn't take lightly to people who
piss her off.

She might just kill someone... oops
I've said too much, have a fun life
😉 hope you enjoy the horrors

*blocked number*

I look down at the messages, who would do this? What do they mean when they say Ruby might kill someone? I then think back to this morning and Taliah, no... god no, it can't be.

I quickly go to my contacts and dial her number a few times, she answers after five calls "hey Lie, sorry I didn't answer I was kinda in the middle of something, what's up?" She asks.

I sigh in relief, only until I realize, there could be a chance this could become true "I've got to cancel today, stay with Daniel, I'll explain everything when you get home later, oh! And get Dani to drive you, he should stay over tonight" I say quickly.

Before she can answer me, I hang up and I instantly get messages from Daniel demanding to know what wrong.

Dani 🤦🏻‍♂️

Kylie! What's wrong!?

Someone sent me a message
saying Ruby will kill someone
and this morning I got a really
weird vibe around Taliah...

Someone threatened her!? I'm
gonna kill them, I don't care if
I'm skinny and practically a twig,
I will protect her with my life!

I know, that's why I need you
to keep by her side 24/7 until
this all dies down, please!

Will do... wait... she's gone...


Daniel doesn't message back, causing me to have a panic attack, that's when I notice Jonah. He's grabbing a coffee from the place I was headed and he's with Corbyn, I rush to them.

They look surprised to see me, when Corbyn notices I'm panicked he grabs my shoulders "what's wrong? Tell me what's happening, Lie, tell me what's wrong" he says, buts it's all muffled.

I can hear myself screaming, I don't know why, but I find comfort in it, the tunnel I'm in "she's going to die, I'm going to loose her, just like my mom, just like Jonah, just like Bradley, Gone" I say, Jonah grabs me too.

I look into his eyes as he says something and I'm snapped back into reality as I look into his eyes " Kylie, calm down, tell us whats wrong, where right here for you" he says worried.

I look his dead in the eyes and I can feel tears poor out of them, as I say what I dreaded "Taliah, she might be dead, and so could Daniel... and it may all be because of you psycho girlfriend" I says.

He looks down at me shocked, before his face turns to anger. I knew he'd choose her, he always does.

Im sorry, I can't be bothered doing a truth or dare for this one because it's 2am, I just got off the phone with one of my best friends and I'm tired, I made this quickly because I didn't want the idea to slip away, so I hope you like this 😉 Enjoy

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