Chapter 29

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I'm happy I've gotten to this chapter ☺️ one more and I'll hit 30! This is the longest book I've written and I'm super happy with how it's going thank you for all the views, I'm super happy with all the ideas I have for this book, maybe there's even a second book in mind 🤔
Kylie's Instagram:

I'm happy I've gotten to this chapter ☺️ one more and I'll hit 30! This is the longest book I've written and I'm super happy with how it's going thank you for all the views, I'm super happy with all the ideas I have for this book, maybe there's ev...

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Liked by AyoItsDylanThyson, SeaveyDaniel and 527,183 others

KylieVaughn Went to a costume party with this one as Bonnie and Clide, what do you think? Did we pull it off or nah?

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WdwIsBae What did Jonah ever see in you, you cheated on him with Bradley and now your with this guy? WOW
SeaveyDaniel Everyone! She didn't cheat on Jonah... they just had a misunderstanding.


Guys! Kylie didn't cheat on Jonah, we should have cleared this up long ago but we thought you guys knew, they just had a misunderstanding.
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Me and Jonah had our differences, we still talk here and there, but we decided it was best to just leave it
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I never agreed to anything, yes we did have a misunderstanding but it was you who walked away when I was ready to apologize, you left, not me!
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Get over it bro, I'm better looking, we all know that, she obviously didn't like a little boy like you to satisfy her needs 🙄
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Messages between Jonah and Kylie:


Are you serious!?

Well hi to you too

You left me... and god it hurt, it
still does, because I love you Kylie!
that prick, he doesn't love you!
Why did you even tell me you
loved me, if it wasn't real?

I do love you, but you hurt me
and I couldn't take that pain after
just loosing my best friend, you
did the worst thing you could have
done, and it wasn't just because
you did that, it's because after my
best friend died and I was starting
to feel better again, you pulled me
right back to that spot, the spot
where I feel like killing myself!

I never meant to make you feel
that way, but you have to see I
had a right to be upset, I thought
you had cheated on me, yes I know
I should have talked to you first, but
I couldn't, I couldn't breathe! When
I first saw that photo, I couldn't
see properly, I felt so upset
because the girl I loved more than
anything... I thought she had cheated
on me.



You said the girl you loved...

So I'm supposed to stop loving
you too? Is that what you expect
me to do?

No... I don't know if I still love you
after I went to Portland to apologize,
Daniel told me you had left like
five minutes before I arrived, I ran
Down the street and I felt so
helpless because you were in the
state you were and then you just
left, not caring about how I felt,
the only thing I had to tell me you
had left was a message talking about
how it was my fault... my heart shattered
then and there, right on that pavement.

I'm sorry Jonah... I never meant
to hurt you like I did, I mean I'm
not even in a real relationship and
even that must hurt you... but I
can't do anything to get you to love
me again like I still love you, I wish
you could understand me perfectly.

I've gtg... Dylan wants a photo
shoot to show off his "abs"... I hope
we can talk more... yeah?

Ofc! I hope we can still be friends.

Have a fun time and he doesn't
have abs.

Oh and he doesn't "satisfy " me
in anyway so don't worry 😂😂

Okay 😂😂 Good to know 😉

Jonahs Instagram:

Liked by KylieVaughn, Imzachherron and 428,274 others

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Liked by KylieVaughn, Imzachherron and 428,274 others

JonahMarais With Mah Boi, you've really been there for me in the past few weeks, love you brotha.

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KylieVaughn My favorites 😍💕
ItzMakenaRay Love you boys, especially the boy on the left 😍 Dani looking cute tho!

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