the poky challenge

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"Hey hey hey hey hey hey,"
"Fine I'll do it."
"Yay with me?"
"We duh,"
"Yay, ill go get the pocky sticks,"
I sigh. Bendy had been bugging me all day to do the pocky challenge with him. That was when he found out what it is. I don't understand why he wanted to do it anyway. I mean we kiss most of the time anyway. Is is trying to prove something. I have a feeling he is. I sigh again before I head done stairs. Alice and Boris are there too.
"Why are you guys here?" I ask as I sit down.
"Bendy said we were going to play a game so we decided to join," says Boris.
So that would explain why he's doing this. He wants Boris and Alice to get together.
"He's doing the pocky challenge ya know," I say slowly. They blink a few times before groaning.
"Why?" Alice asks.
"I dunno," I say.
"Let's leave," Boris says.
"I agree," Alice says, and they left upstairs.
"Great," I whisper slowly.
"Guys let's get this game going—— where's Alice and Boris?"
"They left,"
"I dunno,"
"Fine I guess it's just me and you," he says happily. I sigh.
"Oh come on, surely you would be more happy about this,"
"I suppose,"
Bendy frowns.
"I am promise," I force a smile and he smiles back.
He sticks a pocky stick in his mouth before looking at me and smirking past the pocky stick. I smile properly this time.
I grab the pocky stick from his mouth and bite and eat the whole thing. Bendy looked at me in disappointment.
"That's not how the g——
I pull him toward me by his bow tie and kiss him on the lips. He sighs and pulls away.
"Wasn't expecting that," he says.
"I know you weren't." I say.
He smiles again and eats another pocky stick.
"That's not how the game works," I say mimicking him.
He laughs. I smile. Best treat ever.

Sorry it's small. Enjoy!

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