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Your POV

"What. The actual fuck. Is that name. Especially for a gang." Wildcat said. I shook my head and continued pacing as details from the group flooded my mind. I still had no clue why I knew them.

"They aren't a gang. I can't remember what they are exactly. But all I can recall is that they would steal experimental chemicals, and mix them. I don't remember why. But it should come to me. I think." I said. Why did I not remember this? It's almost like these memories disappeared when my memories of being a Subject Child... disappeared. Could this group be the illegal experimenting group that had done this to me? It seemed like a coincidence. The same day I was questioning whether my memories would come back, this happens. I couldn't understand why this was happening. These memories flooding into my mind were to much to comprehend. The others whispered and discussed something between themselves. I finally looked at them to see them glance at me and stop talking. "What?"

"Well, we just want to know how, exactly, you know this group, when detectives aren't able to find anything on them." Vanoss said. I shook my head.

"I don't know how. I can't remember much of it. Only that." I ran my hand over my face. What are these memories? Pictures flashed through my mind, some going to quickly before I could even make out what they were. It nagged and tugged at my mind. I had to remember more soon. Shouldn't I? I heard some of the others mumble things under their breaths just as the door banged open. Nogla and Terrorizer came in, each carrying a bag in their hands. They looked towards us, taking in the scene. Me pacing back and forth, head down as my hair fell forwards, obscuring my face as the others just stared.

"What did we miss?" Terrorizer asked as the two of them went into the kitchen and dropped their bags before coming back to the living room. "Because I can tell we missed something."

"News played a failed suicide bombing on behalf of a group called HDMP. Who are apparently not a gang. Their full name is the Human DNA Manipulation Project. And for some reason, only Hound here knows about them, but can't recall anything. Only that they would steal experimental chemicals, and would mix them. That's it, correct, Hound?" Wildcat said with a slightly mocking tone.

"I think that's it. I don't remember what they did with the chemicals." I mumbled, running my hand through my hair. I looked at Icicle, who I had left on the floor. I quickly bent down and picked it up. I turned it over, examining it. 'If it really is them, then that means you might of been made by chemical infused iron' I thought, turning Icicle over. Anger washed over me at Icicle, as I thought that it was another reminder that I would never be normal again. If this was the group who ruined my life, then I needed to find them, and burn them all to the ground. I wasn't going to let these people experiment on other children. I might be a murderer, but I don't hurt kids. And I especially don't let other people hurt them. I don't want someone else to end up like me. A teenager who kills innocents to keep their experiment side a secret. I heard a low rumble coming from my throat, not realizing that I was growling at Icicle as I kept pacing. I quickly shut myself up, hoping no one heard me growl at my knife. My grip on Icicle tightened, my knuckles turning white. Right now, my pacing was controlled by anger. My steps quickened, almost as if they were hurried. My steps were quicker, but also lighter. My feet flew over the ground as I spun to pace the opposite way. A hand grabbed my upper arm, halting me in my steps.

"If you keep pacing like that, your going to burn a hole in the carpet." Lui said in his squeaker voice. I swear, he seems more keen to speak like a nine year old instead of a twenty whatever he was. I stared at him for a second. I sighed, and sat back down on the floor, covering my face with my hands. "You seem really upset about this."

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