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Your POV

"My dream." I mumbled under my breath.

"What?" Wildcat asked.

"I got the scar from a fight with a gang a year ago." I quickly answered. I wasn't going to let them know, not yet. Never. I would never let them know about what I had gone through. I had to kill these scientists on my own. This was something that had left me scarred in many ways, and I wasn't going to let a gang who knows nothing about them waltz up in here and claim my kills. I ran a hand through my hair.

"What was your dream?"

"Don't worry about it." I stood up. I turned to walk towards the stairs, but Wildcat grabbed my wrist, making me turn to him. He had actual concern in his eyes. I shook my head and pulled out of his grip. "I said don't worry about it." I continued towards the stairs and headed to my room. I closed the door behind me. I leaned against the door and slid to the ground. If I was getting my memories back like this, then I would need to try and keep away from the others during night. I stood up and walked to the balcony doors, throwing them open. The Dragunov clip was still there. I grabbed the clip and flipped it in my hands. My thoughts drifted back to the guy who I will temporarily call Omega until I figure out his name. I looked down at the people and cars on the street. I realized that one person in the mass of people could be one of the scientists. My grip on the empty clip tightened, my knuckles turning white. I whipped the empty clip out into the open air and it dove straight at the people below. I watched it fall until it was a speck in the air. I turned back inside and slammed the glass doors. I grabbed Icicle and my sheath, heading back downstairs. Delirious was up and was talking with Wildcat when I came down. They both turned to me.

"And there she is now." Wildcat mumbled. I shoved Icicle into my sheath and walked further into the living room. There was a bag at Delirious' feet, packed full with something. As I got closer, I realized that it was full of C4s and ammo clips. Delirious caught me staring at the bag.

"I was going to go reek a little havoc." He said, making me look at him. "I'm waiting for the others to wake up so I can see who wants to go. You want to come?" I shrugged.

"Sure. I have nothing better to do." The door to the base slammed open, and I whirled to see Lui walk in, a SMG in hand.

"Where were you last night?" Wildcat asked.

"Had a solo mission to deal with." Lui said, dropping his SMG on the kitchen island. He stumbled to the stairs and went up. Delirious cleared his throat, and I turned to him. He had somehow pulled an AK out of thin air and was holding it out for me. I took it, feeling its weight in my hands.

"Your the only one who seemed to be able to keep from getting recoil with this gun." He said, gesturing to the AK in my hands. "I thought you might want to use it." The gun had a band on it so I could sling it on to my back. I slipped it on and adjusted it, smirking. 'This, will be fun.' I thought.

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Your POV

Everyone was now awake. We only had another two people agree to come with us, that being Mini and Terrorizer. We walked out of the base, bag of weapons in hand, and took the elevator to the garage. We hopped into a black van and drove out. I was in the back with Mini, while Terrorizer rode shot-gun with Delirious. He drove us to a more crowded area, closer to the center of the city I guess. He pulled over beside a park entrance, hopping out. Terrorizer followed him, and Mini and me threw open the back doors of the truck. I hopped to the ground and felt the AK thump against my back. I looked around at the amount of people here. No one looked our way, thankfully. I turned to Mini and followed him as he went to the front of the truck where Delirious and Terrorizer were waiting. Terrorizer carried a shot-gun, Mini had a pistol, not wanting anything big. Delirious held a M4A4 in his hands. I smiled at the fact that we probably looked like a makeshift S.W.A.T team. I turned to the van and stood on my tiptoes to look in through the back window, making sure the bag of explosives was hidden. Once satisfied that it wasn't in view, I turned back to the others as Delirious handed me a weird looking piece of technology.

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