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All right guys. I calculated the vote. I hope you guys are happy with the outcome of who you being shipped with. Anyways, enjoy the chapter.
~*^Your POV^*~

It's been several hours since they brought my BloodyRose back to me, dead. Ever since, I had clutched her body to mine and sat directly under the crack in the mirror, sucking out heat at a constant rate. I rocked the both of us, silent tears dripping onto Rose's face. It was nearly time. I couldn't wait for my boys anymore. And I was scared to see them again. I've had chemicals dumped into my body for three months, and I had all the reused puncture scars and bruises littering every possible surface to prove it. I was scared that something would happen to me that would hurt them. So I would prefer to stay away from them. Especially when I was burning out.

I would lose all control when burning out. My mind reverted into a state where people who were coloured red in my vision were to be attacked. It was actually terrifying from my point of view. I couldn't stop killing until I either was done burning out, or all of my enemies were removed. And boy, it would be terrifying for them.

My body becomes encased in flames when burning out. Nothing can penetrate the flame unless I drop the shield. My entire body will be a regular red-orange. But where my eyes are, two orbs of (E/C) flame will float there. If someone were to know me well enough, they would be able to identify me by those two orbs on their own. Unless, again, I drop the shield. That's the only time I'm in control. If people enter the area where I'm burning out who aren't marked red, then I snap out of my rampage and will, sometimes, protect them. It happened once in the past, yet the child was still killed. But I had burned everyone there to the ground. And I would do the same thing today.

I was reaching my limit. In a few more minutes, I would burn out. I kissed Roses brow, clutching her head to my chest. I promised her that I would get revenge. So I wouldn't let any of them survive, wouldn't let them just dump her body. I was reaching my limit. I held back the flames from spawning. Might as well give them a fucking scare. I would burn straight through the door, and walk right past everyone. I would purposely corner myself, and let hell rain. For her. For my little BloodyRose.

I couldn't take in anymore, and I felt the heat pushing to the surface of my skin. I wouldn't be able to burn her body separately. But I could let her burn with everything else.

I walked back to the cot and sat down. I might as well spend my last few minutes with her in my arms. I would get out of here, for the both of us.

"I'm so sorry, Rose." I mumbled into her hair. Her skin had gone cold two hours ago, and blood was now starting to run from the corners of her mouth. "I promise, I'll do something to let your legacy live on." I caressed her cheek. "I promise." I then buried my face in her hair. "Your the bravest person I've met. I won't let you die without something to keep your name alive." I stood up and placed her on the cot, pulling the blanket up to cover her chin. I kissed her brow one last time before turning and striding towards the door. I could already hear the metal sizzling under my heat. I took a deep breath and pressed myself to the door. It melted under my body, and I stepped through. An alarm went off immediately. But I kept walking. And everyone who stood in front of me, in front of my way, went up in flames. I didn't purposely set them up. Oh, no. The heat radiating from me burned everyone. And I let a wicked grin grow onto my face as everyone went down.

At some point, I stopped. I couldn't tell how, but I knew that I was at the centre of the base. Something jogged my memory, I guess. And that's when I lit up.

I could feel a humming, and I instinctively whistled. I waited as people started surrounding me, then felt it get closer. Icicle shot around a corner and skewered straight through five people. I reached out and caught it between my fingers. The humming increased before the metal melted beneath my touch. I let it drip from my fingers, and shrugged. Guess I won't be using a weapon. And that's when I lunged.

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