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~*^Your POV^*~

It's been two weeks since we trained. I sat in my room, sharpening my katanas. Smiity, Kryoz, Panda, FourZero, Delirious and I would be going to take down that unnamed gang that had been burning down my boys weed crops. Vanoss had informed us that there would be more then twenty-five people. I had laughed at that, making the others- except Smitty and his boys- smile and shake their heads. Smiity, or course, had asked what was funny. Vanoss had answered with a sigh and a 'she could take them out on her own'. Smiity just stared at me like I was crazy, but the meeting had gone on without any other interferences. Smiity was with Kryoz and Vanoss in the heist room. They had managed to acquire a set of blueprints from somewhere. Once I had sharpened my blades as much as I could, I gently dragged them across each other. A metallic ringing filled the air. I moved onto Icicle next. It didn't take as long as my katanas, but it did take a while. By the time I finished, the others were calling us remaining four into the heist room. I went back downstairs, my katanas strapped to my back. I had on my red jumper now. I strode into the heist room. Kryoz and Smiity we're leaning over the table, looking at the blueprints. Vanoss stood behind them. FourZero, Panda and Delirious were lined up across the table. I came and stood beside Delirious.

"Alright guys." Smiity started. "We're going to kill all of these fuckers off." I silently fist pumped the air. "We'll take them from different areas. From what we understand, there are three different points that they will be in." He pointed to one side of the building. "The back left of the building is where they keep their holding cells. There will be less of them there." He moved his finger to another section. "This is the front of the motel, and their main area of operations. Several rooms have been occupied as barracks and storage rooms. We'll take them out quick and silently." He moved to a third area. "This is where they have job boards, in a 'cafeteria' like area. During this time of day, many of them will be here, probably more then half. We're going to need to split ourselves off accordingly to how well we'll be able to handle them." Smiity looks to me. "So, Hound and Kryoz, I'm assigning you to their caf. Take 'em out and report back." I nodded.

"Me and Panda will take the holding cell area." FourZero piped up. Smiity nodded.

"Then Del and I will take the barracks area." I looked over the blueprints. For a motel, this building was actually really big. Their 'caf' area is a lounge the size of a school library. The barracks would be able to fit two king beds each. And the building was in the shape of a 'Z'd. So we would need to be ready to fight, especially me and Kryoz. Considering that it would take these boys a little while to get to us. If need be. But there was a high chance we would be fine. I spun Icicle around in my hand.

"Won't we need to cover our tracks?" I questioned.

"We can burn the building down afterwards." Delirious included. He sent a wink in my direction. Fuck you. Now I can't say no. Smiity shook his head.

"As long as we don't leave any of them alive, we're fine."  I let loose a silent sigh. I glared daggers into Del's head. We would be having a talk later. I looked back to the blueprints.

"Any hidden rooms or stuff that we should know about?" I looked to Smiity. He shook his head.

"Unless they created any themselves? Nothing to worry about." I nodded.

"Do we have a proper estimate as to how many there are?" Panda asked. Smiity shrugged his shoulders.

"Around or above thirty people now. Still not one hundred percent certain." We all nodded. Smiity looked to me, and my katanas strapped to my back. He sighed and rolled his eyes, a small smile tugging at his lips. "And I'm assuming that your going in melee?" I gave a fanged grin.

"Or teeth." I added. Smiity cringed at this. "Oh, c'mon. It's not as bad as it seems." Kryoz chuckled.

"Maybe not for someone with wolf fangs." He stated. I rolled my eyes. "And for someone with such a blood lust." I ran my tongue over my fangs. I haven't gone hunting in the two weeks since we had been at the warehouse. I looked at Icicle. I didn't really want to bring it with me this time. I'll switch it out for my dagger before we leave. I'll have to sharpen it though. Wouldn't be that big a deal.

"Alright. Do what you guys need to do. We're leaving in fifteen." We dispersed. I ran back up to my room and quickly started on sharpening my dagger. Even thought it was black iron like my katanas, it still had some silver streaks in the metal, leading off the red streak down the centre. The hilt was wrapped with scotch tape like cloth. The hilt was also (F/C) and blue streaked. I took pride in these weapons. They were nearly as sharp as an obsidian blade, and were as beautiful as an ornate sword. I finished sharpening my dagger and sheathed it. I walked back downstairs. The other five were loading guns and bags with gun clips and magazines.

"We taking any explosives?" I asked, coming to stand beside Smiity. He looked at me.

"Eh... it depends. The motel is in a less populated area of the city, but there are a lot of police there. Mainly because they know that it's prone to gang activity." I nodded.

"Yeah. The gun fire itself might attract 'em." Kryoz added. He hefted a AN-94 onto his shoulder, attaching a sling to hang over his back. It was a decent sized assault rifle. Smiity was using a FN SCAR. Panda was even going in with a gun. He held a AKM at his side. FourZero was using a 9A-91 carbine assault rifle. Delirious backed up and I immediately raised an eyebrow. He was going full out with a RPK. He noticed my look.

"It'll be fun to spray 'em down." He explained. It was easy to tell that he was grinning under his mask, due to the way it rose on his face. I rolled my eyes.

"And it's even more fun to make 'em bleed out with your own hands." I said back, my own smile on my face. He stared at me. "Anyways." I turned to Smiity. "We heading out?" He nodded.

"Remember, once we get there, stay on your toes." He stated. "We don't know their turf, so they have the upper hand on us." We all nodded. "Let's go." We followed Smiity out the door.

~*Vanoss' POV*~

I watched the others exit the base. Smiling to myself, I walked back into the heist room. The blueprints were still spread over the table. I folded it and slipped it back into the filing cabinet that I had originally pulled it from.

"So." Wildcat started, leaning against the door frame. "You think one of them is going to get shot?" I chuckled.

"You don't believe in them?" I asked playfully. Now he chuckled.

"Oh, I do, especially with Hound going in melee. But considering that there's around thirty or so other people in that gang, there's a high chance someone will be shot, don't ya think?" I blinked at him. I have never known Wildcat to be so... logical. He always barrels into situations head first. I shrugged.

"It depends. We've never actually seen Hound go melee, so maybe she'll take them out before they can get to her or the others." He nodded. "But to be safe, let's make sure Brock's ready if they come rushing back after." Wildcat nodded and left to tell Brock. I was about to leave the heist room when I felt my phone vibrate against my leg. I took it out and saw I was texted by some unknown number. Unlocking my phone, I read the message.

'You can only protect (Y/N) for so long. So you might as well hand her over. Or we will be forced to use more violent means to get her. It's only a matter of time. Give her to us' I re-read the text. Who the fuck is (Y/N)? And why do these people want whoever they are? I shook my head, assuming that whoever these people are got the wrong number. I shoved my phone back into my pocket. I'll worry about this later.

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