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Your POV

I walked back down stairs, thinking about Ohm. 'Why exactly did he come here? And why didn't he just kidnap me when he had the chance?' I thought to myself. Reaching the bottom of the staircase, I saw that everyone was still playing Mario Kart. Delirious was standing in the door way to the kitchen watching them. I walked towards him as he turned, finally noticing me.

"I have a question for you." He said in a low tone, so the others wouldn't here.

"Shoot away." I said, leaning against the other frame, watching the others.

"You said that those scientists had done illegal experiments on you, right?" I nodded. "So then why didn't they kill you when they abandoned the experiment?"

"I asked myself the same question. They probably thought that the experimental chemicals just failed. And if your asking about me reporting them to authorities, like I said before, I can only remember some situations from when I was a subject. They either wiped my memory, or the chemicals in my blood made me forget." Delirious considered this for a moment. I watched him, watched his eyes scrunch up under his mask.

"Do you know why you didn't die from the chemicals?" This question stumped me. The documents I read hadn't specified as to why I didn't die, and I had no clue. One thought came to mind though.

"I'm not entirely certain. I have a theory, though, that if the chemicals were administered into my blood stream, then maybe it has to do with my blood." Delirious looked to me. "That's all I can really guess at." He scratched his chin.

"But how did your blood affect your chances of death? There are only six (I don't know if there actually are only six) different blood types. And considering the fact that their still experimenting on children to this day, then that means that every blood type must have been tested." He was right. Which got me thinking. 'If it does have to deal with my blood, then what's so special about it?' I turned back to watch the others. Not thinking about it, words started leaving my mouth.

"What if there isn't only six blood types? What if there are undetermined blood types roaming around? What if I'm an undetermined blood type?" These thoughts swirled through my head, confusing myself.

"That is a possibility. But it's a small chance." I looked towards the heist room, where the USB is still plugged into the computer. I pushed off the wall and headed towards the room. I pushed open the door and walked towards the computer. Sliding into the chair, I started scrolling through the coded files again. The letters of each file quickly changing into names as I read through them. Names for different chemical mixtures appeared. One file caught my eye.

"'Blood analysis'?" I mumbled to myself as I clicked on the file. Several documents popped up on the computer screen. I started reading the documents out loud, but quietly, to myself. "'Subject 430 has proven to be immune to the death sentence of the chemicals injected. We started watching what happened to the chemicals when administered into her blood stream. At first, we didn't notice anything when we injected the chemicals. A week later, we noticed that her blood didn't try to remove the chemicals from her body. Further watching the actions of her blood, we found that the cells actually absorbed the harmful chemicals, tweaking their properties so that she could survive the experiments. After taking several blood samples, we found past documents about a child that was immune to all illnesses. Further research shows that Subject 430's blood is capable of adapting to any harmful substances found in her body. This is why we believed that our experiments on her were failing. If we had known about her blood before, we would not have dropped her as a subject. We are requesting her to be found for us to further experiment on her blood type.'" I mumbled the last few sentences as it all settled in.  My theory was right. My blood is what had kept me from being killed. I sat back in the chair, rereading the document over and over before finally scrolling through it. I came up on facts found about my blood. It is an unknown type. They started calling it type Alpha. It wasn't the white blood cells that kept me alive, but in fact the red cells. I had survived due to the red cells removing and absorbing the chemicals put into me. It was to much for me. I got up and left the heist room. I walked past the others and straight towards the door to leave.

"Going on a 'hunt'?" Wildcat asked from the couch.

"Yup." I replied, not turning. Nobody else said anything as I left.


It's been two hours since I left the base. So far, twenty people dead. I was sitting on a doorway for stairs that led to the top of the building. Nobody tried contacting me through the ear piece. I crossed my legs over one another as I stared out at the city before me. I felt a body heat approaching. I've felt this before. This isn't a stranger, thankfully.

"Stalking me? If I didn't know any better, I would question if you really were going to hurt me." I say without turning. I hear him chuckle.

"I might be stalking, but that's only because I want to know more about you." Said Ohm. I then felt it. A second body heat. It's familiar, but I can't place it.

"And who did you bring with you this time?" Ohm sat down beside me. The body heat was behind me, not coming any closer. Just, standing.

"Cartoonz. Sit. She isn't an enemy." The person behind me grumbled before plopping down beside me. Cartoonz looked out of the corner of his eye, looking at me before he turned away. "He didn't believe me when I said that you were Hound. So we stalked you so that you can confirm it." I turned to look at Cartoonz as he looked at me.

"So, you are...?" He asked. I smirked and cocked my head.

"The one and only." I answered. "You really didn't think that I was Hound?"

"Well. When we first attempted to kidnap you, you just seemed so... young. I didn't think someone like you would have willingly killed thousands of people." He rubbed the back of his neck, turning away again.

"Well... I guess you could say that it originally wasn't me doing it willingly. More like, I had to do it." Ohm turned to me.

"Why is it that you had to kill?" He asked.

"I originally started killing to find a specific group. But ever since I started it, I became more accustomed to it." I admitted. They didn't ask for me to get into more detail. There was a third heat source coming from behind. Unknown. They had a weapon on them. It absorbed their body heat. I stiffened and lowered my voice. "Unknown personal coming from behind. Armed." The others gave a slight nod. My hand inched to Icicle. I heard the others load their pistols. In one quick move, we were all on our feet, and I was in the air, landing on top of the stranger. The gun skidded from their hand. I held Icicle to their throat as I stared down at a big set male. Jet black hair styled in a military buzz cut sat atop his head. Eyes just as dark glared at me. Ohm and Cartoonz slowly inched from behind me, pistols trained on the stranger.

"HDMP has been searching for you." He growled. My breath caught in my throat. "They know who you are, Hound. It's only a matter of time Hound before they have you again. They know you-" I didn't wait for him to finish speaking before I slit his throat. Eyes wide, his hands went to grab at his throat as blood spurted from it. I stood from his body and ran. I didn't know where I was going, but I just ran. They know who I am. They know I'm the living subject. I couldn't breath. It felt like I was suffocating. I jumped from building to building. I only stopped when my chest started burning, and that wasn't for a while. I wasn't safe any more. I had to step up my hunt. I had to kill HDMP.

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