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Your POV

Its now been six hours. Six hours since I left the base for my hunt. Four hours since that first man from HDMP said they know who I am. I've been running since. Only stopping when I felt like I would puke. I've encountered another two hunters. One a female, the other a smaller male compared to the first one. Each with jet black hair and iris' nearly the same colour as their pupils.  Each saying the same thing as the original hunter. Each ending with a slit throat. I'm not certain if the others have tried contacting me. I've heard the ear piece crackle to life, but it went dead almost immediately each time. I stopped again, finding myself in the more commercial based part of the city. I start walking around, taking in my surroundings. Panting, I reached up behind my mask, where its clasped. Removing my mask, I let the cold air hit my sweaty face. I ran my finger over the scars that mark my face. It's dusk now. I've been gone for half the day. The others must be looking for me by now. I heard the screech of wheels coming to a stop on asphalt as I slipped my mask back on. Then there was the slamming of doors. I felt at least four heat sources, one heading towards the ladder of the building I was on, the others waiting by the car. I looked behind me just as Brock poked his head over the edge of the building, catching sight of me before climbing up fully.

"Hound, where the hell have you been?" He asked, walking up to me. "You weren't answering us on your piece, and we stared assuming something happened."

"What do you mean?" I asked. "I didn't get any voices through the piece, only static." Brock ran a hand over his face.

"Ok. You might have the faulty one. But why were you running so much? We started tracking you, just to see you bursting around the city, only taking short breaks. We've been following your for the past half hour."

"Umm... I was being followed. By some people from another gang." I quickly thanked myself for the excuse. Brock just shook his head, turning back to the ladder and climbing down it. I walked to the edge of the building and jumped. Standing up, I found the others staring at me. "What?"

"Where the hell have you been? You weren't answering when we commed you." Brian said. I rolled my eyes.

"Like I told Brock, I didn't get any com. Just static." The others seemed annoyed. Brock made it to the bottom of the ladder. He was glancing around nervously. I cocked an eyebrow at his behaviour. He ignored me.

"Let's go. I don't want to be here any longer." Lui exclaimed. We all got into the van. Brock and Terrorizer riding up front. Me, Lui, and Wildcat sitting in the back. They pulled out of the parking lot and started driving away. I glanced out the windows to the doors. Something about the way the others were acting didn't seem right. They were all nervous, regularly glancing out the windows. Each clutching their guns in their hands as if their lives depended on it. They never act like this. Almost expecting some shit to go down. It was completely silent. I started to get annoyed with what they weren't telling me.

"Alright." I finally broke the silence. "Somethings got you guys on edge. What the hell is wrong?" They glanced to each other. Finally, Wildcat turned back to me.

"We've crossed into another gangs territory. And we aren't exactly on the best amends with them." He said. Now I was curious. The top gang in all of Los Santos was scared to be in another gangs territory. That's something you don't see every day. But still as a precaution, I scanned every surrounding heat source. People who were in cars and other vehicles were unreadable. But those walking on the side walk were. I read each one, searching for masks, weapons, anything that could give them away. By the feel of it, a lot of people had handguns and pistols on them, but nothing bigger. The road opened up, and all traffic disappeared. Terrorizer floored the gas pedal. They really wanted to get the hell out of here. Something seemed off, though. The roads were completely clear. No traces of life either then us. We turned down a road and the others let out a sigh of relief. Guess we left the enemies turf. We continued on in silence. I looked back out the door windows. In the distance, something rose into the air. A helicopter. But this was a military attack copter. And it was flying towards us. I scooted down the bench in the vans back and watched. It kept getting closer. I scanned its heat sources. Two people in the cock pit, two people mounted on the attached machine guns. I felt the pilots hand move towards... the control panels weapon functions. With the press of a button, two rockets were fired at us. Heart thumping, I whirled to Terrorizer.

"Swerve!" I yelled. He did just that. And right where we were a second ago blew up in a rage of red, orange and black smoke. Every one cocked their guns. Someone tossed me my AK. Kicking open the doors to the back, I took aim. Another set of rockets were fired. I shot at both, blowing them up prematurely. The others unloaded their magazines. The machine guns opened fire on us. I ducked behind the closed van door. The window above my head shattered as a single bullet went through the glass. I peeked through the broken window and fired at random. The copter swerved as we berated it. There were traces of heat on each bullet. I held onto the heat, and redirected the bullets at the glass of the copter. It hit the dash board. The copters functions were destroyed. Smoke rose from the broken glass as it started to descend. Picking up speed, I watched as it's inhabitants jumped. The copter crashed to the ground in an explosion of red and black.  I grabbed the open van door and slammed it closed. I took even breaths as everyone else panted. Now I understand why they hate this gang. They prefer aerial attacks instead of the ground.

"Where the actual fuck did they even come from?!" Wildcat demanded. I looked back out the window at the smoking remains of the helicopter as it shrunk from view.

"A ways back. Somewhere around where you guys found me." I said.

"And now you know why we don't like being in there territory." Brock said. I did. And I really hope that I don't wander into it again.

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