Faux Tryouts

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   November 15, 2017

    Is it bad that I woke up yesterday morning with scales going through my head? I was going,"Ok, G major has one sharp, F#, D major has two..."   

  Anyways, Mr. Davis had really good idea. He decided to give me a faux (pronounced "foe", meaning fake) All-Region tryout. I did it yesterday in a study hall class. 

  I was talking to Mom before we got started and he was like,"Do you want me to go into the office with you?" I was like,"Sure." 

  Mr. Davis picked out three scales for me to memorize and play (A major, E flat Major, and B minor). Then, he chose sections of three of my songs.

    I played over them a few minutes with Mom and then we went into Mr. Davis's office, where he acted as the judge. We closed the door and I took a seat in a chair. I played through my three songs and then my scales from memory. I couldn't hit the a at the top of a major, which was upsetting, but I didn't stop. Mr. Davis went over some stuff with me and I played through some of my other pieces again. Then...I had to do sight-reading. The good news was that Mr. Davis said that my ability to identify notes was incredible (I've learned a lot of stuff by ear). The bad news was that I'm bad at rhythms. I'm going to have to work on that. 

  So, there were pros and cons from this. The pros are that Mr. Davis said that I have a good chance of getting in and that I got a feel for what the audition will be like. The bad news is is that I got nervous just from being in a room with just Mom and Mr. Davis. My nerves were flaring up just from that! And that wasn't even the real thing! Ughhhhhh and there's only 2 1/2 weeks left! What am I gonna do????

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