"Use your Imagination!" he says.

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January 8, 2017

Apparently, the mysterious box outside of band hall was actually a wooden, white sleigh. Mr. Davis said he had pulled it out of the dungeon when cleaning it out over Break. Another teacher was supposed to pick it up.
Russ and I were so mad at K2SO this morning, because he claimed that he got into the Twenty Øne Piløts fandom in two weeks. He was playing (and horribly singing) some of their songs in a really annoying way and I was so mad I wanted to cry. He said he listened to all of their songs and I was like,"Oh really? Have you listened to BlurryfaceVesselRegionalatBestSelfTitledandNoPhunIntended albums!???" I said it about that fast lol. He said that car radio was weird but the thing is he doesn't understand that MOST OF THE SONGS ARE ABOUT DEPRESSION (or other related subjects)!!! UGH!

I'm sorry for ranting, guys. Something in my family happened last week that caused me to be really sensitive to the depression subjects. I've been listening to twenty one pilots more lately due to that. I was ranting to fluffeh about my frustration about K2So and I stopped for a second and was like,"I sound so emo." She was like,"You do lol."

Okay, again, I'm sorry. On to better topics.

Mr. Davis was telling the band that he won't been at the basketball game on the 19th because....he'll be at my All-Region clinics. Turns out I'll be practicing Friday from noon to about 8:30 at night. 😬. Oh well, it's worth it.
Jazz forgot her trumpet today. Mr. Davis told her to "use her imagination" when she asked him what to do. She was literally playing air trumpet the whole class and Mr. Davis didn't get on to her 😂😂😂. She even started singing the National Anthem when we started playing it XD. The whole section was trying to hold it together and play.
CS apparently got the whole section Christmas presents before break but I wasn't there to get mine. I got a card and some sour patch kids, lol.
   Our school is usually hosts a spirit week for homecoming. It's this week, but we didn't get a notification beforehand, so I was devastated when I found out today was Harry Potter day. I had like the full costume!!!!!  Why!???? 😭😭😭

  Speaking of Harry Potter, a few weeks ago I gave Mom some money to buy me a marauders map shirt with sun activated ink from Harry Potter world. Well, he brought that up to me in band today and apparently a relative bought him the same shirt for Christmas XD. He was like,"We have to plan a day to both wear them." I was like,"Yessssss!!!"

  Well, I guess I'll let you know how the game goes tomorrow. Bye!

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