Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Five

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-Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty-Five-

"Special Attack: Green Star Sargasso!" the sharpshooter shot a small green pellet from his Kabuto—sending it flying through the ship's coating before it suddenly exploded, a thick seaweed soon sprouting out and rapidly growing all around the boulders and slowing their descent down to a halt.

"Usopp made seaweed appear!" Chopper awed.

"It stopped the boulders" Nami grinned.

"That's handy" Franky commented.

"Oh, wow! Nice shot!" Chopper praised.

"Yeah, you did a great job—better than a certain someone's plan" I grinned, laughing as my cheek was suddenly pinched.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Zoro irritably asked as he started to pull on my cheek.

"Exactly what it sounds like, you dork" I responded, smiling the best I could at the swordsman who heaved a sigh before smiling back as he finally released my cheek.

"So awesome!" Luffy sparkled as he stared at the seaweed.

"It won't hold for very long though—we got to get moving, Surume!" Usopp called out to the giant octopus. "Move it!" and just like he said, the minute we got far enough away from the seaweed, it snapped. Letting all the boulders finally go tumbling down.

"Just in time" Chopper sighed in relief.

"Monster plant? Oh man—that's cool!" Luffy eagerly smiled, causing Usopp to pridefully puff out his chest as he boisterously laughed and soaked in the praise.

"I wonder what else you have in that big bag of tricks" Brook curiously hummed.

"Looks like we're in the clear" Chopper smiled in relief as Zoro finally sheathed his sword and smiled as well—looking pleased to see that we were no longer in danger.

"I trained my butt off, you know—actually, yeah! Here, I'll tell you" Usopp grinned as he started to get excited which brought a smile to everyone's faces. "It's a very touching story, I promise," he assured us, "the food! The food! The forbidden temptation—"

"Maybe next time" Nami interrupted.

"Okay, rude" Usopp frowned as Luffy groaned in disappointment.

"That Nami, so harsh" Brook said with the shake of his head.

"Yes, so heartless" I snickered as the gingered huff and threw a small glare my way before grumbling.

"You were pretty great too, Surume—thanks a bunch!" Luffy praised the Kraken.

"Yeah! You saved us all!" Chopper agreed.

"You're the best, Surume" Nami complimented.

"Surume!" we started to chant, causing the octopus to happily squirm around before his head was suddenly struck by a stray boulder—knocking him out completely and causing him to lose his grip on the ship. Loudly did everyone scream as we went tumbling even further down into the abyss.


"Are we alive or dead...?" Brook weakly asked as light shined down on us—the Sunny now on her side from her rough landing.

"There's light, but we're so deep in the sea..." Robin remarked as she stared up at the shining light.

"Perhaps we're dead and that's the light of the afterlife..." I grumbled, rubbing my head from where I had bumped in during our rough landing as the raven-haired woman gave a breathless laugh.

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