Lakes and kisses

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Chapter 7
A few hours later Bucky and his mother are already sitting at the breakfast table, when Steve walks in and hides a yawn behind his hand. "Good morning", he greets and sits down next to Bucky. The brunet's hair is neatly groomed back and he's wearing a simple black button up. 'He looks more... neat and sorted than yesterday', Steve thinks and smiles slightly. "Morning", Bucky mumbles and eats another strawberry from his plate.

"Do you two want to do anything today?", Winifred asks smiling. Bucky shrugs slightly and looks at Steve. "Do we?", he asks. "We could ride out, maybe? If you want to", Steve suggests. "Sounds okay", Bucky says and pours himself another cup of coffee. Steve takes some fruits and cornflakes, pours Earl Grey tea into his cup and starts eating. Joseph enters the room shortly after and grins. "Good morning, you three. Is Alexander still at the cabin?", he asks and Winifred shrugs.

"Probably, he didn't call or text, so", she says as Sarah walks in as well. "No offense, but it's definitely calmer without him", she smiles carefully. "We know", Rebecca says as she walks in. Winifred shoots her a glance and the Rogers' sit down. "What? It's true." "Rebecca, please", her mother sighs and shakes her head slightly. Bucky starts grinning a bit and leans over to his sister, "She's right. I'm worse anyway." Rebecca chuckles slightly and hits his shoulder, knowing quite well that it's his left.
"You're not", she says grinning. "Mh, I wouldn't be so sure about it", he answers with a smirk. "Oh, shut up", Rebecca chuckles and and starts filling her plate. A while later the boys finished eating and leave the room 'to get ready'. Bucky walks up the stairs without waiting for Steve, but the blond catches up to him quickly. "Are you still mad at me?", he asks and looks at Bucky searchingly. "I'm not", the brunet answers and glances at Steve for a second. "Do you really want to make the round?" "Yeah, I think, it'd be good to get some air", Steve answers.

Bucky chuckles slightly and nods. "I'll meet you at the stables in thirty minutes", he says and walks into his room. He changes into a dark blue sweater and a black jacket, they're gonna be gone for a while. He quickly packs a bag with some food and water bottles in the kitchen. A few minutes later he walks to the stables and starts to ready their best horses.
"Late as always", Bucky grins when Steve walks in a few minutes too late. "I had to find some decent stuff to wear, Buck. I haven't thought of taking the horses for a ride, when I packed", he grins and strokes over the horse's neck. "Not strategically smart", Bucky mumbles and straps the bag on. "Let's get going." They lead the horses outside and climb into the saddles. "Ride ahead, we can't actually get lost", Bucky says and gestures Steve to start. Steve clicks his tongue and begins riding ahead, quickly taking up speed. Bucky follows close behind, it's different to not be alone, but nice.

Time goes by and they arrive at a small lake. "Didn't we go swimming here in summer?", Steve asks smiling. "I think so", Bucky shrugs and jumps off the horse. "But considering, that it's September, you might not want to dive in." "Didn't intend to", Steve chuckles and climbs off the horse's back as well. "Break?" Bucky nods and ties his horse to a branch. Steve follows his example and they sit down on some rocks before Bucky hands him a water bottle.
"Let me guess, you want to talk", Bucky sighs and looks at Steve. The sun reflects in the blond's eyes, making them look even clearer than they are normally. 'Seablue', goes through Bucky's mind and he smiles slightly. "If you're okay with it, yes. I don't wanna force you, you know?", Steve answers, drinks a bit and looks at Bucky. The prince of Hydra nods slowly and looks away into the woods. "Ask ahead", he mumbles, twisting the bottle in his hands.

"Why did you have to get it, and why is it such complicatedly arranged metal?", Steve asks, still careful to use fitting words. "I had to get my arm amputated after the accident. Up til here", Bucky starts and draws a line right above his elbow. "And they put me in an artificial coma, because I was terribly unstable. My father... He didn't accept his son being, uh, impaired. So he assembled many scientists and they built the arm, this metal being the most practical material. Then they attached it, while I was still 'asleep'. I hated it from the second I felt it, and I still do."

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