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Chapter 15
"Buck?", Steve asks silently. "What is it?", Bucky answers and huddles closer to Steve, leaning his head on the blond's shoulder. "I'm happy, that you decided come with us." Hydra's prince chuckles lightly and kisses Steve's neck gently. "How could I have said no? You were quite convincing", Bucky whispers and they fall silent. Their luggage is all ready in the hallway, clothes for the next day chosen and everything's set. That's really it. They're both nervous, but also happy.

"Are we past dating now?", Steve asks suddenly and feels Bucky nod. "I think so", the brunet smiles and nuzzles Steve's neck when he feels himself blushing. "A couple", he mumbles. "I like that", the blond grins and turns around to face Bucky. "You told me about your scars, remember?" "Mhm..." "I didn't see them at the pool, so...uhm", Steve stutters. "Don't ask how I hid them, it's complicated", Bucky chuckles.

"Can I see them?", Lehigh's prince asks carefully and avoids eyecontact awkwardly. "I won't tell you how I got them, though", Bucky mumbles and tilts Steve's head up. "Don't be so embarassed, it's fine." He sits up and swiftly takes off his shirt, dropping it beside the bed. Steve stares. He didn't pay much attention to Bucky's looks at the pool, but now his eyes are dragging over every inch of his boyfriend's chest. When he sees the scars on the arm's base he stops.

"They look bad, I know", Bucky whispers and shrugs carelessly. "But I have to explain these. I tried to get it off, so these..", he places his right hand over the longest scars and strokes along them, "are from scratching." "They look horrible... Do they hurt?", Steve asks and carefully lays his fingers on the scars connecting the metal arm with Bucky's skin. "Not anymore." Steve sits up as well and inspects the few smaller scars on James' chest.
"These look like...like stabs or cuts", Steve mutters and Bucky grins a little. "Good guess, but not all of them", he answers and takes Steve's hands. "This is so weird", the blond says and earns a quick kiss. "You're the first one I show them to voluntarily", Bucky says and swiftly lies down on his stomach. Steve gasps at the sight of the scars on Bucky's back. Numerous, and each different to the others. "You look like swiss cheese."

Bucky starts laughing and glances up at his shocked boyfriend. "That's one thing, I didn't expect", he laughs and shakes his head in disbelief. "I'm so sorry", Steve says, puzzled. "No, I just- you sounded so unimpressed", Hydra's prince chuckles. "I'm, uh, rather shocked", the blond answers and starts stroking over Bucky's back absentmindedly. "I noticed, Stevie. Now, come on. Let's sleep", Bucky smiles and Steve lies down next to him, hugging him lightly as Bucky rests on his chest.

"Should I put my shirt back on?", Bucky asks silently, considering whether or not the situation is uncomfortable for Steve. "No, this is fine, honey", Steve answers and Bucky pushes himself up confusedly. "Honey?", he asks, grinning. "Yeah, I like it... Because you're sweet", the blond says and pulls Bucky down, hugging him again. "Whatever you say." They pull the blanket closer around themselves and fall asleep shortly after.

Both alarms go off at the exact same time and the boys groan simultaneously. "Ughhh, nuh", Bucky complains and reaches over Steve to turn off his phone's alarm. Steve raises up slightly and kisses Bucky's muscly torso. The brunet lets out an unintended giggle and hits the snooze button. He drops down onto Steve and grins, he's wide awake now. "That tickled", he says. "That's what I aimed for", Steve chuckles and turns off his alarm. "I hate you", Bucky laughs.

"I know", Steve answers and sighs. "We gotta get ready, Buck." "Five minutes", the brunet answers and stretches with a long yawn. A little more than five minutes later they stand up and get dressed quickly. Steve is brushing his teeth when Bucky hugs him from behind, grinning fondly. "Hm?", Steve questions and smiles around his toothbrush. "I love you, Stevie", Bucky mumbles and kisses the blond's cheek. Steve blushes and looks at Bucky through the mirror.

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