Cats and Crutches

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Chapter 36
They finish playing an hour later and decide to take a walk. "Do you still need the crutches?", Steve asks, holding them while Bucky puts on his coat. "For long ways, yes... And to keep my balance on stairs", the brunet answers with a grin. They go to the elevator and Steve holds Bucky's hand on the short way to the exit. They walk around for half an hour and Winifred leaves upon their arrival at the hospital. "Let's stay outside a bit longer", Bucky says, the crisp air making his breath look like smoke.

"We should sit down, though", Steve says and they walk over to a light blue bench under the entrance roof of the hospital. "What the hell", Bucky laughs and lies his hands down on the surface. "It's heated." Steve slides onto the bench next to his boyfriend and grins. "Indeed. That's awesome", he says. Bucky leans onto Steve, fiddling with the zipper on his coat to get out a cigarette. "Do you want one?", he asks.

"We can share one, hm?", the blond retorts and James nods with a sigh. He lights the cigarette, sucks on it, then hands it over to Steve. The smoke circles up towards the roof, fading away slowly. "Everything looks so pretty", Bucky whispers, looking at the snow powdered city. "Just like you", Steve says and gives the cigarette back. "Shut it, punk", Bucky chuckles. "Jerk", the blond mumbles and leans onto his boyfriend. They finish smoking five minutes later and stay outside in silence.

"I'm cold, honey... Can we go inside?", Steve asks and looks up at him. "Mhm", James smiles and stands up. The couple sits on the broad windowsill of Bucky's room and cuddles five minutes later. Bucky's phone buzzes and he looks at the message with a frown. "He's coming over", he sighs. "Oh hell no", Steve mumbles, cuddling closer to the brunet. "I'm really not in the mood for that confrontation", James says. "Understandable, Buck... Let's just try to enjoy the time until he arrives", Steve answers.

A knock on the door makes Bucky flinch. "It's okay, Buck", Steve whispers and kisses his cheek. James stands up and walks to the door. "Who is it?", he asks sternly, despite already knowing the answer. "Open the door, James", Alexander grumbles and Bucky opens the door forcefully. "I don't want your apology", the prince says. "I am aware of that. I'm not here to apologize, though your mother wants me to. I am here to tell you that you should find a good excuse for your hospital stay", Alex says.

"And why is that? The truth is a pretty neat excuse, don't you think?", James answers. He walks to the middle of the room, giving himself some space to act, if it becomes necessary. "Because I don't allow you to tell the press the real cause for this. You are already working hard on ruining Hydra, I don't need this to come faster than ultimately necessary", Hydra's king says darkly. "I'm not ruining anything!", James exclaims angrily. "You! You almost killed me. Don't tell me about ruining things."

Steve stands up silently and takes Bucky's hand, stepping in between him and Alex. "Don't yell, okay? He's not worth it. Would you mind, if I take over for you? You're getting pale, Buck", Steve whispers and caresses Bucky's cheek for a moment. "No, go ahead", James says and lets Steve proceed. He's feels like the floor is moving beneath his feet and holds himself up on his bed. Steve looks at him, making sure he's standing safely, before turning around to face Alex.

"I believe, James is able to speak for himself without your help, Prince Steven", Alexander says annoyedly. "I believe that you shouldn't make assumptions about Bucky", Steve answers sternly. "How dare you forbid me to talk about my son as I desire?", Hydra's king growls. "Because the way you talk about him is disrespectful, hateful and overly inacceptable", Steve says, staring at Alexander angrily. The king stares back, not knowing what to answer. "Don't look at Steve like that, father. This is entirely your fault", Bucky says.

"Be quiet! If you refuse to talk for yourself, you might as well keep your mouth shut, James Buchanan Barnes", Alexander shouts and Bucky flinches away. "No! You shut up", Steve yells, standing in front of Bucky protectively. "Can't you see, that he feels unwell? You're more than just horrible and if you ever hurt Bucky again, I swear, I'm going to hurt you the same way." "You wouldn't dare. You wouldn't dare to threaten your own reputation like that", Hydra's king answers, moving closer to the couple.

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