Urgent Matters

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Chapter 39
Bucky spreads his new blanket over the bed before huddling under both of the blankets and falling asleep. The snow continues falling silently. Hydra's prince turns from side to side until he wakes up at 2 am. 'That was...weird', he thinks, he can't remember what he dreamt and isn't even sure if he did. He puts on music over his phone to have some background noise. He falls asleep to Do they know it's christmas just ten minutes later, hugging one of his pillows loosely. Both princes sleep until sunrise without being interrupted.

Steve gets dressed quickly and goes downstairs to find his cousins running around the entrance hall. "What are you doing?", he grins. "Waiting", Dominic answers. "They won't let us in yet", Autumn adds. "I bet they're just readying some food that we can eat while opening the presents", Steve says calmly and knocks on the living room door. "One minute", Sarah says loudly. Steve leans onto the wall and waits, going through some social media on his phone. He texts with Natasha, when the door opens and his cousins storm inside.

"Come in", Sarah smiles and Steve follows her into the room. "Youngest starts", Annabelle says and Lillian starts searching for a present with her name on it. Lehigh's prince gets himself a cup of coffee and some cookies, then he sits down on the sofa to watch the twins unpack the present together. They squeal in excitement, when Lillian pulls out a large, pink blanket and immediately uses it as a cape. Autumn continues and somehow finds the matching present with a purple blanket on her first try, so the twins run around with blanket capes.

Steve laughs and drinks some of his coffee. "Dominic, your turn", he says and points to the pile of packages. His cousin nods and searches for the biggest present with his name on it. They go on with unpacking until the living room floor is littered with wrapping paper. Steve is sorting brushes and paint in a small box and puts a sweater on top. He hides two small packages, that his mom and grandma got for Farren, in a backpack he got. "I'll go upstairs now, I still have to drive to Hydra", he smiles after an hour of talking and playing boardgames with the others.

"Of course", Joseph nods and Robin chuckles slightly. "What is it?", Steve asks confusedly. "We had a bet. I said you'd leave after twelve, so Robin won", his father explains and Steve shakes his head amusedly. "Anyway, I'll come and say goodbye once I've got everything in the car", the blond says and goes upstairs to show Farren his cat-presents. The cat immediately starts playing with a toy duck and Steve puts Bucky's present into his backpack. He brings everything downstairs, Farren neatly tucked into his jacket until Steve sets him down on the backseat.

He opens a window slightly and hurries upstairs, so the cat won't be alone for long. He hugs everyone and says goodbye to them. Eleanore and Sarah give him a small package wrapped in green. "We thought that it would be nice to have a present for Bucky as well", Sarah smiles. "What is it?", Steve asks. "A leather-bound notebook. You said, he had some and we thought he might appreciate a new one", Eleanore says. "That's great. I'll give it to him as soon as I arrive. See you in a few days", Steve smiles and leaves. He puts the present into the trunk and drives off with a sleeping Farren in the backseat.

Bucky is sitting in his room, wearing a soft blue hoodie and reading. They already had breakfast and lunch. Alexander missed both meals. 'Gonna be there in thirty minutes', pops up on his phone screen and he puts his book away. 'Okay', he replies and saunters downstairs. Bucky sits down in an armchair in the entrance hall and waits until he hears a car approaching. He runs outside and hugs Steve right as he exits the car. "It's snowing", Steve grins, hugging back. "Been snowing all night", James whispers. "Did you like your presents?" "Lots of drawing supplies, so yes."

Farren is standing on the drivers seat and watches them. He promptly decides to jump out of the car and lands in the snow. He starts hissing and Bucky laughs at the small cat. Hydra's prince scoops him up and Farren hides in the pouch of Bucky's hoodie. "Hello, little guy", James smiles. The couple takes Steve's backpack and the green present, then they go inside to the living room where everyone, except Alex, is waiting. "Oh my god! Is that the cat you rescued?", Rebecca squeals, when Farren peaks his head out of Bucky's pocket.

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