Can't wait to be king

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Chapter 11
"Yes, don't you remember?", Bucky answers and looks at Steve excitedly. "", the blond answers and his expression shows obvious confusion. "The amusement park with the animal pen", Bucky chuckles and Steve's eyes brighten up at the memory. "The one with Baski?", he asks smiling. "Exactly", the brunet nods. "Who was Baski again?", Winifred asks and pours herself a cup of tea. "The bunny, Mom", Bucky grins.

"Ohh, right. Your bunny. Which name did Rebecca's have again?", his mother says and drinks a sip. She remembers the bunny, all colours in its fur and fluffy like a stuffed toy. Bucky loved it. "Uhm, I don't know... Flake?", he guesses and shrugs. "What are you talking about?", Rebecca asks as she walks in and sits down smiling. "The bunnies the amusement park let us name", Bucky answers calmly. "Oh yes, Spot", she smiles.

"You weren't even close", Steve laughs and Bucky pouts. "Leave me alone. At least I had a bunny." "You're horrible", Rebecca chuckles, directed at both boys and Bucky starts grinning unintentionally. Steve's parents walk in and Sarah smiles immediately. "Did we miss something funny?", she asks and they sit down as well. "They were discussing some childhood facts", Winifred grins. "Sounds nice", Joseph says.

"It is", Steve nods with a grin. "We wanted to go to the park tomorrow", Winifred says and drinks some tea, which causes the rest to pour themselves a cup as well. "That's a great idea", Sarah smiles and drinks some of her tea. "In the morning?" "Would be the best", Bucky's mother nods and smiles calmly. They are silent for a while, eating the cake and drinking tea or coffee. "When are you going to head home?", Steve asks while looking at his father.

"Later today, Steven. Around 9, so don't worry", Joseph answers and eats a strawberry. "So, in three hours", Steve sighs and leans back. Their parents start a conversation about different things, but mostly the newest gossip from the other kingdoms. Rebecca stands up and moves over to sit next to Bucky and Steve. "Any plans for this evening?", she asks smiling. Bucky shakes his head and looks at Steve. "Not really, why?", the blond asks.

"We could, like, play something together. One of the games, that I apparently don't understand", she suggests and tilts her head questioningly. "Sure, I don't see a problem with that", Bucky smiles and lays an arm around her. "We'll show you how it works." "You mean, you'll show us, right?", Steve grins and nudges Bucky's side. "Yeah, yeah", the brunet chuckles. "Because you're both horrible at it."

They keep fooling around for a few minutes until they excuse themselves and head to Bucky's room. Bucky sets up a considerably easy game after turning down Rebecca's suggestion of Mario Party. "Here you go", he grins and gives them their controllers. "What about you?", Steve asks. Bucky walks over to his bed, folds the blanket and puts it on the floor between the armchair and lounger.

"Wireless", he grins and waves with his bright red controller. They enter an empty server and start playing. Bucky explains the basic commands to them and demonstrates them quickly. "We'll play here for a while and once you get used to it, we'll go into action, alright?", he smiles and Steve nods. "Isn't playing this weird for you, because you were at war?"
"GTA isn't really a war game, Stevie. And as long as you don't shoot every pedestrian it's not even that bloody", Bucky chuckles and Rebecca laughs. "What if I do?", she asks. "Then you gotta run from the police until they leave you alone", he grins. "What if they catch me?", Rebecca answers. "They'll arrest you. Or shoot you, it depends on the crime", Bucky answers and they continue playing.

The three of them stop the game around an hour later and Bucky leans back grinning. "This day was great", he says and Rebecca chuckles. "Way better than yesterday", she smiles and lays down the controller. "Definitely", he says grinning and glances at Steve. "It's dark already", Steve sighs and looks towards the window after he grinned at Bucky. "Yeah, kinda saddening", Rebecca says and stands up. "I'll leave you boys alone again, see you later", she smiles and leaves the room.

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