A Royal Road to Recovery

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Chapter 35
The couple goes downstairs ten minutes later and they stop every few meters so Bucky can find his balance again. James sips on his hot chocolate and smiles contently. "Is it good?", Steve asks, warming his hands on his coffee mug. "Very", Bucky says and leans onto Steve. They cuddle until they've finished their drinks. "Do you think the press got information about us now?", the brunet asks. "We can check", Steve grins and stands up, returning with six magazines and a newspaper just a minute later.

"This one looks promising", Bucky says and picks up a magazine with a bright rainbow flag printed in a corner. "Oh, definitely", the blond laughs, taking another. They skim through the magazines, leaving them open on articles or pictures about them. "I wonder who took those pictures... At least we're looking fancy", James grins. "Listen to this", Steve says and coughs demonstratingly before reading aloud. "Princes Steven Grant Rogers (25) and James Buchanan Barnes (26) have announced their relationship recently."

"Oh, sounds good. Go on", Bucky says, leaning back and listening. "A guest sent us the picture above, showing the couple cuddling on the Thanksgiving dance that took place in Hydra's royal family's castle. This sudden publication makes us question: Did Prince James only act out the role of the skirtchasing party prince? Did Prince Steven convince him to show his true feelings? We're doing our best to reasearch and answer those questions", Steve reads and starts laughing.

"They don't seem to grasp the concept of being bi", Bucky mumbles, watching Steve amusedly. "But", he adds dramatically. "Did you convince me? Prince Steven?" Lehigh's prince falls back into the cushions and hugs Bucky while laughing. "Perhaps", he giggles and James chuckles, then kisses the top of Steve's head. "Let's continue reading", the brunet says calmly. They go through all the articles they can find, reading them to eachother and then they go on instagram to look for posts about them.

"We're being shipped", Steve says and shows Bucky some pictures. "What the hell", James mumbles and takes Steve's phone, letting his own drop into his lap. "They're calling the ship Stucky?" "Yes, it sounds funny, doesn't it?", the blond grins and kisses his boyfriend gently. "Mhm", Bucky hums. They return to his room an hour later and continue searching the social media sites until Winifred arrives. "How are you?", she asks and pulls up a chair beside Bucky's bed.

"I'm fine, Mom", James answers and smiles, putting his phone away. "Did you hear about this?" He holds up one of the magazines. "That they wrote about you? Yes, of course. We got several calls asking if it was true", she answers and nods. "Did you answer?", Bucky asks. "No, not yet. We thought that you two should be the ones answering any questions", she replies and smiles at the couple. "We'll try", Steve says. "As soon as I'm outta here", Bucky adds and chuckles. "Surely", Steve grins and kisses Bucky briefly.

Steve attends the therapy with Bucky again the next day, sneaking a kiss whenever he can. "Steve... Steve, please", James grins and nods out of the window. Some journalists are in front of the hospital, huge cameras pointed at the fourth story window Bucky and Steve are standing at. Hydra's prince holds onto both sides of the bars to keep his balance while standing, Steve stands in front of him, ready to catch him if necessary. "Well, lets give them something to photograph", the blond smirks.

He places his hands on Bucky's waist and kisses him deeply. "Look at them, they're going crazy", James says and moves his hands to Steve's shoulders, holding on tight, then kisses him again. "We should move... They got two kisses, that's enough", Lehigh's prince whispers against Bucky's neck. "I'm fine with that", the brunet murmurs and allows Steve to guide him away. Bucky sits down on a small box standing in a corner. "You have to leave later, right?", he asks and Steve nods.

Bucky tugs on the worn out leather of the box and sighs. "I'll visit you again, honey. Don't worry", Steve says and kneels down in front of the brunet. "I just...don't want to have nightmares again", James mumbles and Steve hugs him. "I'm just one call away, at any given time", he whispers and kisses Bucky. He feels Bucky's hands in his hair and grins. They return to the hospital room and Steve sits down in one of the armchairs, having James sit on his lap. They cuddle in silence until Hydra's prince falls asleep against Steve's chest.

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