Going Home

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Chapter 22
Murray leaves and the couple grins at eachother. "Breakfast?", Bucky asks. "And then we go home", Steve nods and pulls the brunet into a kiss once again. "I'm getting a lot of kisses lately", the brunet chuckles and they sit down on the small table. "Well, you got hurt and I wanted to distract you", Steve admits and smiles awkwardly. "Aw, you're blushing", James says and takes Steve's hand. They eat the breakfast in silence and then pack their bag quickly.

"Did you sleep well, by the way?", Steve asks as they walk to the car. "Had a weird dream, but nothing bad. Just didn't make much sense", Bucky answers and grins lightly. "Oh, what was it about?", the blond asks and puts the bag on the backseat. He hopes, that Bucky didn't hear him whispering. "With a church... I don't know", James shrugs and blushes. 'Oh dear, he probably heard me while falling asleep', Steve thinks and goes red as well.

"Sounds interesting", he smiles and starts the car. He feels like locking himself up somewhere in case Bucky gets the idea, that he said something about marriage. "It certainly was, Stevie", the brunet chuckles and leans back, closing his eyes. "Don't you need your calmatives?", Lehigh's prince asks carefully. Bucky shakes his head and smiles lightly, he wants to try it without using them. "Okay", Steve sighs and drives onto the main road. He longs to get home quickly, away from the town.

"Steve...", Bucky says after a while and looks over at his boyfriend. The blond pales slightly, fearing that Bucky figured out where his dream came from. "Hm?", he hums and stays focused on the street. "Can we stop at the next parking lot? I'm not feeling that well right now", James asks and frowns a little. "Sure, yes. You should've taken the calmatives", Steve answers and takes Bucky's hand. "Too late now", the brunet shrugs and waits until they stop entirely to exit the car.

He walks around the parking lot and breathes deeply, counting the seconds between inhaling and exhaling. Steve waits at the car, leaning against the door. He doesn't want to disturb Bucky and watches him instead. 'He doesn't look upset. Maybe a bit sick, as if he went on an extreme rollercoaster', Steve thinks and sighs silently. "Do you want to drink something, Buck? There's some water in the bag", he offers loudly and Bucky comes over to him.

"Water would be great", he says and takes the bottle Steve gives him. "Thanks." "No problem", the blond smiles and looks away. "You know what would certainly upset the media in all kingdoms and Liberty?" Bucky raises his brows and looks at Steve confusedly. "What? Another war?", he asks and leans onto the hood. "No, not a war. Well, maybe that too, but... I meant... It would upset them, if we got married. Just imagine the uproar and reactions", Steve says taken aback.

Now Bucky is the one paling. 'How is this possible? I dream about it and he just casually mentions it a few hours later', he thinks, troubled. "As long as it'd be in a good way... But there would be some, who'd be agitated and maybe even disgusted", he says and feels his stomach turning at the thought. "I know, I know... They'd have to make up their minds, because I ain't leaving you", Steve answers and strokes over Bucky's arm. "I love you." "I love you, too", James mumbles distractedly.

They drive the rest of the way in silence and Bucky immediately goes to the bedroom after they arrive. Steve leaves the bag in the hallway and watches as the brunet climbs the stairs. "I should've just kept my mouth shut", he mumbles and walks over to the kitchen. Alcohol might not grant him anything anymore, but at least the taste is supporting to him. He sits down with a bottle of red wine and fills a glass slowly, thinking about why Bucky might be this irritated.

He drinks a few glasses while watching a random show on TV. Bucky, meanwhile, is lying face-down on their bed and contemplates whether he should go downstairs or not. He sits up and sighs deeply. "Why can't I be normal?", he mumbles and walks over to the bathroom. James stares in the mirror for a few seconds before turning on the water and splashing the cold liquid into his face. "This is ridiculous, Barnes. Man up.... Gosh, I want it, too", he says and dries his face on his sleeve.

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