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Chapter 8
"Buck, don't. It's none of your fault, by what you said. They tortured you and you didn't know what you were doing. What you did in that time, it wasn't you. You didn't have a choice", Steve says gently, but confident. "I know, but I did it", Bucky sighs and they both stay silent for a while. Steve stands up and pulls Bucky off of the rock he's sitting on. He takes Bucky's hand and walks along the shore of the lake with him. "Are you really taking me for a walk?", Bucky asks and Steve nods calmly.

The brunet sighs slightly but let's Steve proceed. Suddenly Steve turns him around and hugs him again. Tight and warm. "You're good", he whispers and Bucky hugs him back fondly. "If you want to think that", Bucky murmurs. "I do", Steve answers. They stay in the hug and Bucky closes his eyes, so he won't start crying. He wouldn't have expected this, he thought Steve would turn around and leave. 'He's such a good person, how can he possibly want to stay with me', he thinks and sighs silently.

"Bucky?", Steve asks and the brunet nods slowly. "Can I kiss you again?" Bucky moves away slightly and smiles, looking at Steve. "Yes", he whispers and their lips meet another time. "What should we do later?", he asks after they break the kiss, leaning their foreheads together. "I don't know... Maybe go somewhere or just stay in and read", Steve mumbles and smiles. "Sounds good", Bucky answers quietly and looks up when the horses get nervous.
"What the-", he starts and observes the forest when he notices a movement. "Bucky, what is it?", Steve asks, trying to follow his glance. "We gotta go, before it comes closer", the brunet answers and almost inaudibly hurries to the horses. "What is that? It's bigger than a fox or something", Steve says as they untie the horses' halters. "From the movement, I'd say it's a wolf. But they haven't been around here for decades", Bucky answers silently and mounts into the saddle.

Steve does the same and they ride into the opposite direction, as silent as possible. A howl can be heard throughout the woods. After a certain distance they take up pace and get back to the castle as fast as possible. Bucky jumps off the horse's back while it's still running and rolls off on the ground. "Take them to the stables", he yells towards Steve and runs to the entrance. The blond catches the other horse easily and returns both to the stable. Meanwhile, Bucky runs inside and follows the voices to his mother's office.

He stops promptly and knocks. "Yes?", his mother calls and he opens the door to their mothers having a conversation. "Why are you panting, what happened?" "Ran up here, we...", Bucky starts, calms himself and takes a deep breath before continuing. "We were at the lake down south and saw a wolf. We came back as fast as possible. Did they migrate back here? I didn't hear of any in the past years." "Not that I know about... Are you both okay?", Winifred answers worriedly.

"Yeah, we're fine", Bucky says. "We didn't have wolves in a long time either", Sarah says as Winifred places a call. "I'll tell the hunters about it, they'll check it out", she says. Bucky turns around with a thankful nod and leaves to meet Steve halfway up the stairs.
"What'd you do?", asks the blond and raises an eyebrow. "Told them about what we saw", Bucky answers calmly. "Did you tell them about..?", Steve asks again. "No, good lord have mercy if I did. I want you to think about what crimes are on my record and decide about me again, before I tell anyone", the brunet answers and smiles slightly. "But I already did", Steve says and looks at Bucky with big eyes.

"Oh, don't give me those puppy eyes, Steve. I'm serious, sleep a night about it. I don't want you making a decision you'll regret later on", Bucky replies. "Buck, I know that this is... It just... It felt right, and I don't think, that that will change", Steve says and takes Bucky's hand. Bucky looks around nervously and squeezes the blond's hand gently. "Let's go upstairs, please", he mumbles and Steve nods.

They walk to Bucky's room in silence, taking care that nobody sees them holding hands just yet. As soon as they enter the bedroom the brunet pulls Steve close and buries his right hand in the blond's hair, then kisses him again. "I'm sorry, it's nice", Bucky whispers and smiles awkwardly. "I know, it's great", Steve grins and pecks Bucky's lips briefly. "We could go to the cinema, if you want. A bit dressing up and they probably won't recognize us", James suggests.

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