Just a normal afternoon - or not

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Chapter 26
"Steve", James complains and follows his boyfriend reluctantly. "Shh", Steve retorts and laughs slightly. Bucky sighs and doesn't pay much attention to where they are going. Steve pushes him down on the chair in front of the piano and hugs him from behind. "I know, that music calms you down and like this you can play and I can finally draw you", the blond says and walks over to a massive oak desk, taking a sketchbook out of a drawer. He takes his best pencils and pulls the chair up close to the piano.

"You're unbelievable", Bucky mumbles and grins unintentionally. "I'm aware of that", Steve laughs and starts sketching the piano. Bucky takes out his phone and looks up some notes before he starts playing. "I love you", Steve whispers after a while and smiles. "I love you, too, sunshine", James answers and goes over to playing the spring waltz. They stay in the room for another hour until Steve is roughly done with the sketch and takes a picture of Bucky instead.

"I'll continue drawing later", the blond says and sits down next to Bucky. "Got tired of my horrible face?", he jokes and looks over at Steve. "I'd never grow tired of your face", Lehigh's prince smiles and swiftly slides onto Bucky's lap. "Hmm... I have an idea", James smirks and rests his head on Steve's chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. "Tell me about it", Steve whispers and kisses the top of his boyfriend's head softly.

"How about I give you some simple dancing lessons? So you can at least know the basics until Thanksgiving", Bucky offers and looks up at the blond. "I would've expected something else, but alright", Steve chuckles and stands up. James stretches and raises to his feet, putting a slow waltz on repeat on his phone. "Can't we do something faster?", Steve asks innocently and Bucky laughs. "Yeah, alright", he smiles and puts on some faster songs.

"Just move with me and concentrate." Steve nods and holds onto Bucky to keep up. They stop a few times until Steve got a grasp on it and Bucky tries to make him go faster. Steve concentrates on the steps and looks at their feet. "No, no... Look up, Stevie", James says and grins slightly. They keep dancing and Steve accidently steps onto Bucky's foot and stumbles. "Oh, careful", the brunet chuckles and catches Steve before he falls down. "I'm sorry", Lehigh's prince breathes.

"It's fine", James whispers and smiles. Steve pulls himself up on Bucky's shoulders and kisses him deeply. "We should stop", the blond mumbles and brushes a strand of hair behind Bucky's ear. "Mhm", the brunet hums and helps Steve into an upright position. "But you've improved." "Thanks", Lehigh's prince chuckles and picks Bucky up, carrying him out of the room. 'He's so happy. His eyes are glistening', James thinks and smiles at his boyfriend.

"You look like you're dreaming", Steve grins and sets him down. "That you like me, eventhough you know the truth, still feels like a dream to me", Bucky says smiling and hugs Steve again. "And your eyes look like a sea, glittering and blue." "Then yours are a storm", the blond says silently and moves away to look at Bucky intensely. "A cold storm, rather. Greyish blue. Glistening. I think, I'll need to mix some colours to get it right." "My artist", Hydra's prince says.

"I don't know, what to call you", Steve sighs and chuckles. "You'll find something at some point", Bucky smiles and takes Steve's hand, heading back to the bedroom. They lie down on the bed and drape the blanket around them, simply cuddling. "Hey, Buck", Steve asks after a while and looks at his boyfriend sleepily. The brunet hums in his sleep and lies his right hand onto Steve's chest as if to push him away. "Sweet dreams", the blond grins.

He carefully removes the hairtie and brushes through Bucky's hair gently. James moves closer and Steve smiles gladly. "Bucky bear", he mumbles. An hour later Bucky wakes up yawning and blinks at Steve. "What time is it?", the brunet asks, some hair falling into his face. "About 12", Steve answers and chuckles slightly. "Oh, I'm sorry... I was just so tired", Bucky says and sits up. "Let's go downstairs." Steve nods and stands up as well.

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