Dancing's not a crime

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Chapter 24
"Sure", Bucky says and follows the blond to the kitchen. They ready some snacks for themselves, while the cooks politely ignore them. A while later they sit on Steve's bed and eat in silence. "I miss getting drunk...", Bucky mumbles all of a sudden and Steve looks up. "Why would you say that?", he asks, but he remembers being devastated, because he couldn't drink away the sadness and grief after the message of Bucky's false death. "Because it numbed so much so well", James answers.

"I understand, Buck... I really do", Steve whispers and sighs. "But what would you want to numb right now?" The brunet shrugs and bites down on the cereal bar he took with him. "The nervousness, I guess. It's probably going to ease once a few people got here, but still", Bucky answers and brushes his hand through his hair. Steve finishes eating and moves to sit behind Bucky, hugging him gently. "I'll be there the whole time", the blond mumbles reassuringly.

"Thanks, Stevie", James smiles and looks over his shoulder. "Let's get dressed, so Natasha won't kick our asses later." "Good idea", Steve grins and kisses Bucky's cheek briefly. They take their time to put on their costumes and help eachother at the more complicated parts. "Don't forget these", Steve, now in his Cap costume, chuckles and throws the plastic fangs to Bucky. "Right", the brunet smiles and takes the two pointy plastic teeth out of the package.
Bucky walks to the bathroom and carefully puts in the fangs, fixing his collar as well. Steve waits for him to come back and helps him to put on the cloak. "What about your hair?", Steve asks and frowns slightly at the strands hanging into Bucky's face. "What about it? I'll leave it open", the brunet answers. "Nah, you gotta do something with it", Steve says and pulls Bucky to the bed. "Sit down, I'll manage this", the blond grins.

A minute later he's tenderly brushing Bucky's hair back, cautious not to hurt him. "You're taking your time", James smiles. He feels good, especially because Steve tries to be so gentle. "Well, we still have plenty. Give me the tie", the blond answers and takes the hairtie Bucky hands him. Steve makes a small bun and them brushes a few strands out of it in front. "This looks great." Bucky takes his phone and opens the front camera to look at himself.

"Yeah, thanks", he says and nods lightly. "You don't sound really convinced, Buck", Steve replies, tilting his head. "Hm? No, I like it... I was just thinking", James answers and smiles lightly. "About what?", Steve asks and slides off the bed, putting on his boots. "That you seem to like to do my hair", Bucky grins, the fake fangs glistening in his mouth. "I think it's fun", Steve admits and looks at his boyfriend. "You look terrifying", he adds, pointing at the teeth.

"Good, that's what you're supposed to look like on Halloween", James says, smirking. "And you don't even have trouble speaking", Steve chuckles and pulls Bucky close by the cord of his cloak. "Would be embarassing, if I had", the brunet answers and grins slightly. Steve kisses him fondly and places his hands on Bucky's waist. "You should wait until after the dance, if you want to peel me out of this costume", Bucky mumbles, then kisses Steve again.

Steve starts laughing and steps back again. "Did you really just say that?", he asks, blushing because of his laughter. "Positively, yes", Bucky chuckles and looks at his boyfriend amusedly. "Unbelievable", Steve grins and pushes his boyfriend towards the door, grabbing his helmet and shield on the way. "Oh, let me be", James answers and dramatically hauls the cloak out of the door. "As you wish, Buckula", Steve jokes and earns a glare. "Could you stop using that?", the brunet asks.

"If I have to", Lehigh's prince says grinning and takes Bucky's hand. "You do", James says and nods calmly. "It's childish, but not the good way." "Fine", Steve sighs. They walk downstairs and meet Eleanore, who is dressed as the good fairy from Cinderella, and seems more than fond of her costume choice. "Boys, would you be so nice to help me and Joseph to correct the last things at the buffet?", she asks and smiles. "Of course, grandma", Steve answers naturally.

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