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Chapter 10

"Well, maybe", Steve grins and leans closer to Bucky. "No", Bucky chuckles and moves away, but Steve keeps coming closer. "Steve, no. Stop", the brunet insists. He feels something building up and he doesn't want to hurt Steve. "Why would I?", the prince of Lehigh smirks. Bucky closes his eyes and tenses. "Please... Stop", he says again and Steve freezes in his move. "Is everything okay, Buck?", he asks worriedly and goes back to his normal position.

"I...don't like that", Bucky answers through gritted teeth. "I'm sorry", Steve says and carefully lays a hand on Bucky's arm. "I didn't know, I'm sorry." The brunet nods slowly and opens his eyes again. "I'm just not used to being approached all of a sudden anymore, it's weird. And I didn't want to hurt you", he mumbles and pokes around in his food distractedly. Steve moves his hand and stops Bucky before he pokes the fork through the bottom of the food box.

"Hey, it's okay. I should've listened the first time you told me not to. It won't happen again, I know that you don't like it now", he says gently and Bucky nods slightly. He takes a deep breath and looks at Steve. "Do you have a favourite song?", he asks out of nowhere. Steve stares at him surprisedly and takes a few seconds to answer. "Not really, I think... Maybe 'All of me', it sounds nice", he says finally. "Oh, yeah. It's pretty", Bucky smiles.

"What's yours? Rock? Swing?", Steve asks grinning. "Uhm, sort of. I really like Believer. Do you know it?", the prince of Hydra answers. "The title tells me something, but I don't have a melody", the blond answers and Bucky takes out his phone to play the song. He holds the speaker to Steve's ear and continues eating while the blond listens concentratedly. The song plays and Bucky grins at Steve as it ends.

"It's good, various", Steve says and lets the lyrics replay in his mind again. 'If this is how he feels, I really need to care for him. I want him to feel good as often as possible', he thinks and eats the rest of his food. "Yeah, I know. That's why I like it", Bucky says smiling. They put the empty boxes in a trash bin and walk back to the motorcycles. "Your father's going home today, right?", Bucky asks and puts his gear on again.

Steve does the same and nods calmly. "He needs to, there are some meetings", he answers. "I'm sorry for what happened. My father... He's just way too erratic", the brunet sighs and puts on his helmet after taking off the baseball hat. "Don't apologize for him. You had and have to suffer more because of that", Steve says seriously and puts on the blue helmet. "We'd never blame you for any of that."

"That is not what I meant", Bucky says and sits down on the motorcycle. He starts the engine before Steve can answer and lets it howl up loudly. "Idiot", Steve mumbles and hears Bucky laughing. "You should turn off the communication before you complain about me", he chuckles and Steve blushes furiously. 'Good thing, that Bucky can't see me now', he thinks and starts his motorcycle as well. Bucky waits until Steve got the motorbike in the right direction before they drive off.

"This way", the brunet says suddenly and takes a sharp turn, which Steve totally misses. "Bucky, what the fuck", he curses and hears the other laugh. "Just continue on the road, third turn left", Bucky answers and darts out of the opposite street just as Steve takes the turn. He overtakes the blond and speeds towards the normal route. "You're insane", Steve says and speeds up after the next turn.

"I know, Stevie, I know", Bucky chuckles and as soon as they get on a rather empty patch of the highway they start a race. As illegal as it might be, Bucky knows when the police is around usually. "Buck, what's that up ahead?", Steve asks when he notices something in the distance. "Radar, fuck", Bucky almost yells and brakes really hard to slow down. The bike swerves and he barely keeps it on the road. The brunet lets out a shocked gasp and immediately heads to the side of the road to come to a stop.

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