Stars and Rings

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Chapter 45
"Do you want to go for a walk later? I mean, it's not like we're celebrating or something", Bucky asks. Steve turns his head to look out of the window, then nods. "Fresh air would be good, I guess", he smirks and promptly pushes Bucky down on the bed. "I see", the brunet grins and kisses him gently. Steve pulls James' shirt up and deepens the kiss. Bucky pushes him away a little and grins. "Not in front of the children, Stevie", he says and his boyfriend laughs. "Of course, I'm sorry", the blond answers. A knock on the door makes them sit up. "Yes?", Bucky asks and his mother walks in. "Rebecca wants to know what kind of cake you want", she smiles.

"Uhm, good question. Maybe a tangerine cake?", James says and shrugs. "Tangerine cake sounds nice, Buck", Steve says and Winifred nods with a brief smile. "I'll tell her", she says and leaves again. Bucky and Steve go for a walk and come back to a freshly baked cake and Rebecca playing with Farren in the dining room. "Are you having fun?", Steve asks and the princess nods happily. "Farren is just too adorable", she says. "I know, I know", Steve answers and takes off his jacket. "But he can also be a very hungry idiot." "Unbelievable", Bucky chuckles and takes his and Steve's jacket to a spare chair so they won't be in the way.

Sunday night comes around and Steve only takes his dirty clothes home, leaving the rest at Hydra. "I'll leave Farren with you until I come back on wednesday", Steve says and Bucky nods tiredly. "Get home safely, sunshine", he says and pecks Steve's lips. "I'll text you once I'm there", the blond smiles and drives off. Bucky picks up the confused cat and walks upstairs. "Steve'll be back soon, buddy", he mumbles and looks at the bracelet on his wrist. "In three days." His thoughts trail off to thinking about proposing and he sighs deeply. Farren jumps out of his arms and scratches on the door to Bucky's room.

James lets him in and sits down at his desk. "You know, Farren, maybe you'll have to wear a white collar on the wedding", he says and Farren sits down next to his desktop. "Or a tiny bowtie." The cat shudders and curls up on the desk. "Alright", Bucky chuckles and turns on the computer to watch some videos and sort his files. Steve arrives in Lehigh and immediately calls his boyfriend. "Hey, sunshine. You okay?", Bucky answers. "Yes, I'm home now. Is Farren behaving?", Steve asks on his way inside. "Of course, he's sleeping. But he was rather confused, when you left", James says and pets the cat carefully.

Bucky keeps himself busy and plays with Farren a lot for the next two days, while Steve manages to avoid any weird questions at his appointments. "Which restaurant would you like to go to tomorrow, Buck?", the blond asks on tuesday evening, lying on his bed. "I was thinking about a great italian place in the city... It's called Komi", James answers and glances towards Farren, who is pulling a stuffed toy around the room. Steve's eyes widen, it's the restaurant he had planned to go to after Rebecca suggested it. "I found that one too, sounds good", he says quickly. "Perfect. Bring a good suit along, Stevie", Bucky smiles and Steve agrees.

Bucky lays out black suitpants and a dark red jacket. Farren follows him to the closet and lies down on a white button down. "You think that'd look okay?", Bucky grins and the cat gently taps the shirt. "Fine. I'll take it." He puts the clothes away for the evening and spends the remaining hours reading and texting. Steve arrives around noon with a dark grey suit and a light, subtly checkered button down in his suitcase. Farren jumps off of James's bed and runs to the stairs. "Did you hear something, buddy?", Hydra's prince chuckles and follows the cat to the first floor. Farren stands on his hind legs, trying to reach the doorknob on the front doors.

"I'll help you", Bucky says and opens the door just as Steve climbs the first step. Farren rushes outside and circles Steve excitedly. "Hey, little guy", the blond smiles and crouches down to pet him. Farren enjoys the scratches for a few seconds, then goes back inside. "It's good to see you again, sunshine", Bucky says and kisses Steve gently. "It's only been two days", Lehigh's prince says. "I know. But it felt like weeks. It was raining and just so boring", James grins. "Understandable. No troubles with your father?", Steve asks. "Not at all. He's trying to be nice at the moment", Bucky answers and shrugs.

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