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Chapter 9
"Buck, where are you?", Steve asks looking around. Bucky's corner is far back in the huge garage. The brunet turns on some colorful LED's he once built in and waits with a grin. Steve laughs once and jogs over. "This looks incredible", he smiles and takes in the place. "Are all of these yours?" "Yes, all but one", Bucky says proudly and proceeds to point at a lilac bike at the end of the row. "Oh, it's Rebecca's right?", Steve guesses and the other nods.

"She wanted to try it, so she could join me... It's damaged and I haven't had the time to repair it yet", Bucky sighs and hands him the gear. Steve starts to put it on and Bucky helps him a few times. "So, do you want the Yamaha or the KTM?", the brunet asks and hands Steve a blue helmet. "I'll take the blueish one... What's it called?", Steve answers and walks over to the motorcycle.

"Yamaha YZF-R3, don't you dare ruin it", Bucky grins and sits down on the KTM. He puts on the helmet and starts the engine. He reaches out for the red goggles lying on the worktable and straps them on. "You look intimidating", Steve says and puts on his helmet as well. "You might want to...", Bucky starts and flicks down the transparent shield of the helmet. "Oh, thanks", Steve answers, muffled by the helmet.

"Anything I need to know?" "It goes smooth, just be careful in sharp turns or when you have to brake really hard", Bucky says and starts Steve's motorbike once he sat down. "And yours?", the blond asks over the sound of the engines. "Harder to drive, it buzzes when it gets too slow, like vibrations. Better to stitch corners, though, and has a better braking system. But not nearly as comfortable as the blue monster here", Bucky laughs and corrects Steve's position slightly.

"It's been so long since I drove one, sorry", Steve apologizes and sighs. "Just drive up, we'll make a few rounds on the course", the brunet answers calmly. "You know how gigantic our driveway is." Steve nods and watches Bucky. Hydra's prince adjusts the mirrors slightly and the bike almost jumps when he starts driving and speeds up the exit of the garage. He didn't even flinch at the jump and makes his first round up and down the driveway, cutting the corner and leaning down.

'I wouldn't have been that calm, let's hope this one really goes smooth', Steve thinks, when suddenly something crackles on one side of the helmet. "Are you coming?", Bucky's voice asks clearly before he laughs. "There are communication systems build into every helmet. Calls, talks, it's practical. There's a switch on the right side of the helmet, turn it on." Steve searches for the small switch and flicks it into 'on'.

"You could've told me sooner, that was surprising", he chuckles. "I know. Now, get your ass up here", Bucky answers. Steve turns the gas and is delighted, that this bike didn't even jump in the slightest. He drives up and joins Bucky on the driveway. The brunet hits the brakes, swerves and stops in the middle of the driveway, watching Steve drive. About fifteen minutes later Lehigh's prince warmed up to the motorcycle and they drive onto the main street.

Bucky speeds up as soon as they reach a free part of the road. "Hey, Buck... Could you wait up for me?", Steve asks when the KTM leaves his field of view. "Yeah, yeah. Sorry, I'm just not used to company", the brunet chuckles and slows down after the next turn. Steve catches up to him and they drive into the next city twenty minutes later. "This is fun", the blond smiles and looks at the people on the sidewalk.
"Eyes on the road, Steve", Bucky answers and heads for the cinema. "Oh, right", Steve laughs and they pull into the parking lot a few minutes later. "Are we going to lock them or something?" "No, there are tracers on them. It's complicated, but they only turn on in certain occasions", Bucky replies and puts on the cap to hide his helmet-hair. "Well, uhm, okay", Steve says and puts up the hood of the hoodie. They walk the rest of the way to the cinema and decide on an action movie that got a special screening.

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