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Chapter 30
Bucky reaches the castle an hour later after being stuck in a traffic jam for a while. "Bucky!", Rebecca yells and hugs him as soon as he exits the car in the garage. "I'm sorry, Becca", he mumbles and hides his face in her hair. "Are you okay? Do you wanna lie down? How did the driving go?", the princess asks hastily. "It went well, I wasn't even nervous", James answers silently. "So, uhm, I'm okay, yes", he adds awkwardly after his sister nudged him.

They hear steps coming down the stairs and look up. "James", Winifred exclaims in relief and hugs both her children tightly. Bucky breathes in deeply and closes his eyes. He feels safe. They move out of the hug after a minute that felt like an hour. "You need to eat something", the queen says sternly. "Mom-", Bucky starts, but she cuts him off. "James Buchanan Barnes, you were gone for 16 hours and haven't eaten for more than that. You need breakfast", she insists.

"Fine", Bucky mumbles and allows his mother to pull him upstairs. He eats breakfast and goes to his room afterwards. He takes a shower and walks to his closet while calling Steve again. "Are you home now?", the blond asks and smiles slightly, knowing that Bucky is okay. "Yeah... But, Stevie... I don't know what will happen now. I mean, it's risky", Hydra's prince says and sighs. "Risky? Buck, I'm here for you. Anytime", Steve answers confusedly. "That's not what I meant", the brunet says.

"What then?", Steve questions and fiddles with the pages of the book he was reading. "Now that he knows... I feel like my life got really risky once again, I don't know", Bucky answers. He puts on a grey hoodie and jeans before going back to his bedroom and lying down on his bed. "Whatever happens, if you need me, I'll come over as quickly as possible", Steve says and Bucky can almost hear the comforting smile on his boyfriend's lips.

"Okay", James says after hesitating shortly. Somebody knocks on the door and Bucky sits up in shock. "Buck?", Steve asks. He tries to figure out what happened from the sounds he could hear. "I don't know who it is, I'll call you later, Stevie", the brunet says, quieter. Steve can hear the nervousness in Bucky's voice. "Alright, honey. Love you", Lehigh's prince answers. "Love you, too, sunshine", James says and ends the call. "Yes?", he asks loudly after a second knock. "Who is it?"

The door opens with a creak. "James. I did not mean to-", Alexander starts. Bucky jumps up and immediately tenses up. "No", he says seriously. "No. Don't even try to justify yourself. You hate me, I'm sure of that now. Please leave." Alexander looks at his son for a few seconds, then sighs. "Your mother wants me to apologize to you, so let me do it", the king says. Bucky walks through the room and his father takes a step forwards, thinking that Bucky is walking in his direction.

The prince, however, is headed to the bathroom, walking right past his father. "Where are you going?", Alexander asks, downright confused by his son's behaviour. Bucky doesn't answer and hits the bathroom door shut behind himself, locking it. "James Barnes. Open the door", the king says and saunters over to the door, sure that his son will listen. Bucky opens the window and looks down to the balcony two floors down. He climbs out of the window and onto the outer window sill.

"James Buchanan Barnes, listen to me. Open up. Now", Hydra's king demands, trying not to get angry. Bucky moves along the facade, cautiously climbing down. He hears loud knocking and chuckles. He stops, when he is one floor down and waits. Alexander gave up talking and sat down on Bucky's office chair. Hydra's prince proceeds to descend to the next balcony, the one of his mom's office. "I'm going to fucking die", he mumbles in a singsong voice as he leaps forward and jumps onto the balcony.

He lands and groans slightly. "God dammit", he sighs and opens the door, much to his mother's surprise. "James, where the hell-", she asks, upset. Winifred hurries to the balcony and looks up, seeing Bucky's bathroom window open. "Did you climb down?", she questions scandalized. "Uhm... Yes", Bucky answers, figuring that any other answer would get him into even more trouble. "Why did you do that, James?" "Because he just came to my room and didn't leave after I asked him to", the brunet says.

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