Friends and Foes

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Chapter 18
They put the laptop away and cuddle up to eachother as the first raindrops hit the window. "This is great", Bucky mumbles and Steve chuckles silently. "Good night", he whispers and pecks Bucky's lips briefly. "Good night, Stevie", the brunet smiles. The couple falls asleep to the sound of a rainstorm in the mountains, right outside their window. After he wakes up, Steve goes downstairs to ready some breakfast, listening to loud music over his headphones.

Bucky wakes up half an hour later, alone and in complete silence. He looks around sleepily and sees the landscape, seemingly unmoved, through the window. He tries to make out a sound, but can't. A second later he's sitting upright in the bed, panicked by the silence. "Steve?", James asks. 'Maybe he's just in another room', he thinks and waits for an answer, but Steve can't hear him over the music. "Steve?!", Bucky asks louder. Still no answer.

He stumbles out of the bed, just as the door opens. "Buck, what is it? You look panicked", Steve asks worriedly, unplugging his headphones. Bucky doesn't reply and only pulls him into a tight hug. "I was about to wake you, I made breakfast", Steve says silently and retrieves the hug. "What troubled you?" "It was so silent...and you didn't answer", Bucky whispers and closes his eyes. He feels relieved. "Oh, I was listening to music. I'm sorry", Steve apologizes.

"Not your fault... It's just, that, uhm...", James mumbles and sighs. "I don't like this kind of silence. It's as if there was no sound at all, as if nobody and nothing was around." "I'll turn on the radio next time. Wanna go eat breakfast?", Steve answers and kisses his temple. "Mhm...", Bucky nods. A while later he's staring at the coffee cup in his hands and tries to find a way to explain the situation to Steve. "What are you thinking about?", the blond asks and smiles slightly.

"The reason for my behaviour back there", Bucky answers and looks up. "You don't have to explain it to me, if you don't want to", Steve says softly. "No, I want to. I just don't know, how to put it", the brunet says and grins a little. Steve nods and lets him think silently. "After the accident", Bucky starts and leans back in the chair, "When I was in the coma, I still dreamt. And sometimes those dreams were nothing but silent. It felt as if I woke up, but there was absolutely no sound."

"Didn't you say, that you could still hear everything?", Steve asks carefully and watches him speak. "Precisely, that's why those dreams were so horrible. I saw my room, exactly the way it was, as I later found out. Same with the hallways. But nobody was there. Nothing that was supposed to move, moved. And when I moved something, even knocking over a vase was soundless." "That sounds like it's from a horror movie. I'm so sorry, Buck", Steve says and walks around the table to hug him gently.

"After the fifth time, I stopped trying. I knew, that they were only dreams, so I just waited until it was over", Bucky says and shrugs. "But that's why I don't like complete silence that much." "Understandable", Steve sighs and sits down next to Bucky. 'But everytime he had an argument with Alex, he hid far back in the library...where you can barely hear anything', he remembers suddenly and squints slightly. "Do you think, we could take a walk later?", James asks and smiles lightly.

"Sure, why not", Steve says and takes Bucky's hand. He decides to ask about his thoughts later. "I won't leave you alone again, not without breaking the silence." "Thank you", Bucky breathes and looks at him. His eyes sparkle thankfully, almost innocent. "I'm sorry for being so complicated", he mumbles. "It's okay, Buck. I love you just the way you are. All of this, it makes you... You. And I love everything about you", Steve says and kisses his boyfriend tenderly.

They break the kiss when they run out of breath and Bucky grins. "I love you, too, eventhough you're insane", he says and pulls Steve into another kiss, a little too hard, though, and the blonde ends up on his lap. "I like this", Bucky chuckles and Steve's laughter fills the room. "That too", he adds and kisses Steve's neck playfully. "Oh, stop", the blonde giggles and turns to face Bucky. "Hm? What now?", his boyfriend asks smirking. "How about..." Steve leans in and starts kissing Bucky again.

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