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Chapter 16
"I'll ask them, if we could go to the chateau for a bit", Steve says and cracks his knuckles distractedly. "Have we been there before?", Bucky asks and looks at Steve. "Hm? I don't think so. Your parents never let you join us", the blonde answers. "Oh... Right", Bucky sighs and shifts his glance to the ground. Steve frowns worriedly and pulls him into a hug, stroking up and down his back calmingly. "They can't forbid you to come with me now", Steve whispers.

"Only, because they're not here", Bucky mumbles and tightens the hug. He breathes in Steve's scent and closes his eyes in an attempt to relax. "Buck, it's okay", the blonde answers sweetly. He keeps running his hands over his boyfriend's back, knowing quite well, that Bucky doesn't believe him. "Just calm down, everything's alright. No worries", Steve says and picks Bucky up. The brunet is heavier than he expected. 'Probably because of the arm', he thinks.

"What are you doing?", Bucky asks surprisedly and looks at Steve again. "Carrying you to the dining room", the blonde grins and Bucky holds on to his shoulders in slight panic. "Please let me down, Stevie", Hydra's prince says, a bit of fear mixing into his tone. Steve feels the pressure of Bucky's hands on his shoulders and stops to let him down. "I'm sorry, you haven't told me, you dislike it", Steve apologizes.

"I just...feel like I'm about to fall any second. Besides, you're the only one who's strong enough to carry me, anyway." Bucky sits down on the stairs and smoothes his hair back. "I gotta admit, that you're quite heavy", Steve smiles and takes Bucky's hand instead. "The metal arm has a fair amount of fault in that", the brunet says with a slight grin. He stands up and follows Steve to the dining room. "I figured it had", Lehigh's prince chuckles as they enter.

"Did you get hungry, boys?", Sarah smiles and walks towards them. "Kinda", Steve answers and smiles back calmly. "Well, it's ready in 15 minutes, so we have some time to talk", the queen answers. The couple looks at her startled. "What...?", Steve stammers. "You looked like you wanted to talk", she says and they sit down. "Uhm, yes... We wanted to ask, whether we could spend some days in the mountains?", Lehigh's prince asks and looks at his mother pleadingly.

"Of course, if you don't ruin the house", Sarah smiles. "You could both need a nice trip, away from all royal responsibilities." "We won't ruin anything, thank you so much", Steve says excitedly and squeezes Bucky's hand. "Ow, Steve, don't break my wrist", the brunet complains and entangles himself from his boyfriend's grip, rubbing his hand carefully. "Oh shit, I'm sorry." "Language, Steve", his mother warns. "I swear, at some point, I'll be the one saying that", her son retorts.

"But, you two, don't forget about the Halloween dance we're hosting next week", the queen says calmly. "We still need costumes", Bucky says and leans back, he always loved Halloween. "It's next monday, right?", Steve asks. "Yeah, so you still have a week. If you go tomorrow and come back on Sunday you'll have six days in the mountains", the queen smiles. "Seems alright, don't you think, Stevie?", Bucky grins. Steve nods and kisses his cheek, they'll be entirely on their own.

A while later they all sit around the table, eating silently. The princes make lists of what they want to bring along in their heads, planning the trip for themselves. When Joseph and the women start talking about some minor issues in the kingdom, the boys begin chatting as well. "Steve... Do we have to take the car?", Bucky asks silently and looks at the blonde. "I think so, Buck", he answers softly and sighs. "I'll be right beside you, okay? We'll find a solution."

"Could you drive?", the brunet asks, hopeful. "If you want me to, sure", Steve says and takes Bucky's hand carefully. "Please", Bucky answers and nods. They stay silent for a minute and Steve caresses his boyfriend's hand. "Bucky?", Joseph asks suddenly and Hydra's prince looks up. "Yes?", he answers. "Alexander is planning to let you take the throne, isn't he?", Lehigh's king asks curiously. "Next year, yes. In December", the brunet says and sighs.

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