BTS Kidnapped! Part 1 by Sandra Flynn & Kaelyn Grey

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The evening was quiet, the only sound in the van that of a group of men planning what they hoped would make them rich enough to never work another day in their lives. The plan was simple, grab the group as they came out of the nearby building and collect a huge payday.

The leader, who was sitting behind the wheel of the van turned to the others, "Make sure the tranq guns are ready. I don't want any of them slipping through our fingers. Our people on the street will take care of any staff with the targets, so make sure you take out your target and get them in the van, understood?"

The seven men nodded as they pulled tranq guns out and checked them.

"I am so ready for this session to be over with!" Jimin exclaimed as he flopped onto the studio couch, putting his head in Jin's lap and throwing his legs over the armrest of the couch

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"I am so ready for this session to be over with!" Jimin exclaimed as he flopped onto the studio couch, putting his head in Jin's lap and throwing his legs over the armrest of the couch. He held his phone up snapping a quick picture of Jin and himself, loading it to the group's social media page. He laughed as comments started pouring in seconds later.

The five members of BTS were all waiting for the last two members to finish recording the last parts of their latest song so they could get a bite to eat and head home

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The five members of BTS were all waiting for the last two members to finish recording the last parts of their latest song so they could get a bite to eat and head home.

"You know Taehyung is a perfectionist when it comes to his singing, Jimin. You hoping isn't going to make him go any faster." Yoongi's calm voice answered back. His gaze never moved from the control board where he and Namjoon were listening to Taehyung's playback.

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Namjoon hit the mic button and spoke, "Taehyung that was perfect. The bass note on the last line was what we were looking for." He leaned back and waved as Tae gave him the thumbs up and pulled the headphones from his head. He could see Taehyung moving towards the door of the recording booth and knew that Hoseok would be waiting for him on the other side, having recorded his part before his bandmate.

 He could see Taehyung moving towards the door of the recording booth and knew that Hoseok would be waiting for him on the other side, having recorded his part before his bandmate

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"Yes! Now we can get some pizzas and head home." Jungkook moved away from the wall he was leaning against and grabbed the hand Jimin was holding out to him. "You shouldn't have flopped onto the couch like that if you couldn't get yourself up." He laughed as Jin reared up and pushed Jimin's head off his lap. As Jungkook helped Jimin up the last two members, Taehyung and Hoseok came into the control booth arguing over what kind of pizza the group should get.

"I want spicy peppers!" Hoseok yelled as he bounced into the room, Taehyung behind him. "I want American style, Hobi-ah and it is my turn to pick"

Jin laughed from his spot on the couch, giving the members an innocent smile as they all groaned. The rest knew that Jin and Hoseok would argue back and forth over pizza toppings until they ordered. Of course, by then the eldest member of the group would make sure that each had their own pizza with whatever toppings they wanted, but it was fun to watch Hoseok beg and plead with them to get his way.

To Be Continued..............

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