BTS Kidnapped! Part Two by Sandra & Kaelyn

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In the van the leader's radio suddenly crackled to life, the voice tinny but loud enough for the rest to hear. "Targets on the move, only two staff members with them, will take them out once targets clear the door. ETA one minute." The leader waved to the rest of the team in the van, sending them into motion. "Remember, no harm to the targets. Put them down and get them into the van."

The team of seven filed out of the van on the street side, making sure to keep their weapons low on their sides, out of sight of any bystanders who might happen to pass on the street

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The team of seven filed out of the van on the street side, making sure to keep their weapons low on their sides, out of sight of any bystanders who might happen to pass on the street. Not that it was likely as it was after midnight and the streets of this area of Seoul were quiet. Thanks to some reconnaissance the team had intel that the targets would be working late at this small studio. A few well-placed threats and the information on the location of the studio, the timetable for the targets as well as any building security the team might encounter had been theirs.

The seven men watched the Kpop group BTS walk out of the glass doors leading to the street. Unseen by the seven young men two shadows moved inside the building, grabbing and subduing the two staff members who had not yet followed them out of the studio doors. In the space of mere seconds, a blink of the eye, the seven darkly dressed men raised their weapons and fired on their specific target. The members of BTS had no more time to react except with a small gasp as the drugs took swift effect and they each dropped to the street. Moving quickly and with no noise the seven men picked up a limp body, shouldering their burdens with ease and moving as one to the van's open doors.

Working silently the men placed zip ties on wrists and ankles, as well as blindfolding and gagging each BTS member. The drugs would keep them all unconscious for several hours; long enough for them to be transported to a private airstrip, loaded onto a private plane and flown out of the country before the authorities were even contacted.

The leader smiled at the thought of the money these young men would bring them. Their company would be willing to pay any amount to get this golden goose returned to them unharmed. All they had to do was follow the plan carefully and make sure that nothing unforeseen happened. If the hostages didn't give them any trouble they would be back to their lives in a few weeks, none the worse for wear.

"Good work, we will meet up with the others at the airstrip and be on our way. Remember once we get them to the location and secured, we will make the announcement of our demands and payment. Once we get them there always remember to wear your mask and voice synthesizer when dealing with the hostages. I want a totally clean getaway and I don't want to have to hurt or kill one of these boys." The leader laughed as he glanced back at the pile of unconscious young men in van's floorboard.

The dark van raced silently into the night carrying BTS away from their life, family and fans.

To Be Continued............

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