BTS Kidnapped! Part Twenty-Six by Sandra & Kaelyn

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Less than seventy-two hours later, hearts broke world-wide as a gruesome execution style video surfaced on YouTube from an otherwise unused account with an untraceable IP. YouTube was flooded with reports, news stations were inundated with calls, and Bang Shi-hyuk was forced to sit in his office and identify the boys in the video. ARMYs greatest fear had been brought to life. Bangtan Sonyeondan...was dead. Murdered in their sleep by faceless men who spoke of things they did not know. The world had wanted the kidnappers to be terrorists, and so terrorists they had become.

The world was outraged as the demand for answers from the South Korean government grew. Who had the right to condemn these children to death? Had the officials not been warned that this would happen? Who was being held accountable for this heinous crime? Where were the bodies? Would no one pay to ensure a proper burial for South Korea's brave men who had been sacrificed for a nonexistent greater good? Had their families found out from watching the supposed live feed on YouTube as well? What did they have to say about it all? Would there be a memorial?

Answers however, didn't come. As an ongoing investigation no details could be given other than there had been no ransom demand for the bodies and no further contact from the terrorist organization responsible for the murders of Kim Seokjin, Jung Hoseok, Min Yoongi, Kim Namjoon, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, and Jeon Jungkook, better known as Bangtan Sonyeondan. No plans had been made to recover the bodies, but a joint memorial service was being organized by the families as a final way to honor their sons who had lived, and died, as one.

BTS was up, sitting around the table and conversing amongst themselves when the door banged open and the leader stepped in with two of his unmasked lackeys.

"Good morning gentlemen," he said from behind his disguise. "Everyone is recovered I see?"

The boys wanted to vomit as they imagined the evil smug grin on the monster's face.

"I thought," He purred, "my stars would like to see what they created."

Namjoon tensed at that, realizing what was coming.

"Number one on YouTube until they took it down but, no matter, we made sure to send all the major news outlets a copy too. No point in being selfish after all."

Jin, having a slightly better understanding of the English language, wanted to be sick. This was going to be bad.

Sitting the laptop down on the table, the leader turned it around, showing a pitch-black screen and pressing play.

The video was something worse than the worst horror movie they had ever seen. To someone NOT in Hell, it was real. The murder of seven young men, presented as a video for the world to see. Strangers. Fans. Mentors. Friends. Family.

The scene opened to muffled sounds as the camera came in to their cell, capturing the faces of everyone but Taehyung as they slept, Namjoon curled in to Hoseok, Jin sitting by Yoongi's makeshift bed, Kookie and Jimin wrapped so tight in one another it was impossible to tell where one ended and the other began. The boys were sick when they realized they had no idea when the footage had been taken.

It was obvious they were sleeping, and when Jimin realized what was happening he pulled Jungkook in to him, pressing the younger man's face into his neck and holding him there to keep him from the nightmare that had sent him into a night of horror when all this first happened.

The alien voice barked out sharply, "That will not do Mr. Park! All eyes must watch the movie, or all will be punished." pausing the video and pointing at Jungkook.

Namjoon laid a hand on Jimin's arm, shaking his head. "He has to watch; Jimin-ah or we all pay the price."

Jimin wanted to argue but the look on his leader's face broke him and nodding he pulled Kookie upright, "We have to watch, chagiyah...but remember it is all make believe. None of it is real, we are still here."

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