BTS Kidnapped! Part Fifty-Five by Sandra & Kaelyn

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[Seoul, South Korea]

Inspector Danny Kwon sat staring at his work computer in disbelief, scrolling through the pictures that were plastered over every Korean news site and most international ones. Finally having the proof that his theory about the young men of BTS being still alive was both heartening and gut-wrenching at the same time. The photos clearly showed that these seven had been through Hell and were still being tormented in their captivity and it made Danny's stomach clench in fear.

The ringing of his personal cell phone pulled Danny from his anxious thoughts as he answered.

"Kwon here."

"You really don't know when to give up, do you?" The angry voice of Jase Morgan barked through the phone in English. "You just had to keep rattling that particular cage and now there is a shitstorm brewing the likes of which you have never seen."

Danny grinned as he replied, "Lovely to hear your beautiful voice, Jase. How is the family?"

"The family is fine, asshole. My daughter and her friends have started a fundraiser to help pay the new ransom demand, but that isn't the reason for my call. As you well know, Youngblood..."

Stiffening at his military codename Danny stood walking away from his desk and smiling at co-workers as he ducked into the police station stairwell.

"What are you talking about, Jase?" Danny growled, his voice going low and ice cold.

The voice on the other end of the phone gave an aggravated sigh, "I warned you about asking questions of the wrong people, bringing yourself to their attention and now you are on their radar. There has been some activity on the dark web connected to this group and their kidnapping but now your name is being thrown into the mix. The problem is that there have now been attempts to access your sealed military records. I have a feeling whoever is behind BTS' kidnapping wants to find out just how dangerous you are to them and their plans."

"Those records can't be accessed; Jase...the encryption is too tightly guarded." Snarling into the cell Danny paced the small hallway at the bottom of the stairwell.

"Nothing is completely foolproof, my friend and you know that. So far nothing has gotten out and official steps have already been taken to further encrypt those records; but that in itself will backfire. It will tell those looking that you are knowledgeable, well trained and dangerous; it could spell real trouble for those boys." Jase warned.

Danny felt weariness bear down on him as he fought between the desire to protect the secrets of his past and his need to find BTS and bring them back home to their families and fans.

"Keep me updated, Demon...I have to go talk to the Senior Inspector about this."

"Will do, Youngblood and watch your six." Jase replied as he signed off the line.

Moments later Danny had grabbed a file from his desk and was bursting into the Senior Inspector's office only to stop short at the sight of several well-dressed businessmen standing around his supervisor's desk.

The biggest surprise was the sight of Lee Soo Man within the group of businessmen.

Shit, Danny thought to himself. If the CEO of SME was here in the Senior Inspector's office then it wasn't going to be good for his investigation or BTS.

The group of men turned as one to stare at Danny making him suddenly feel like a bug under a microscope; one that they were prepared to squash if need be. He was certain of it when the Senior Inspector spoke out looking straight at him.

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