BTS Kidnapped! Part Twenty-Two by Sandra & Kaelyn

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The night was quiet now; the others had all fallen into a light restless sleep as far as Yoongi could tell. Namjoon had made him promise to wake them in an hour so they could check on Taehyung as that man had told them to.

Yoongi, still wrapped in the security of his blanket, his face just barely visible, didn't care that tears slipped down his face as he took the hand not covered in bandages in his own, laying his forehead on it.

"Please, my must not leave me alone in this dark world that I am trapped in. There is only light here for me when you smile. How else would I live with you, Tae-ah? An ugly flower still craves the light and beauty of the sun. YOU...are my whole world...I should have protected you..."

Yoongi could not keep from begging as he wept at Taehyung's bedside. In a harsh choked voice, he began to sing, "Love is not is not over."

Not all of the others were sleeping

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Not all of the others were sleeping. Hoseok was awake and watching his brothers.

The raw pain in Yoongi's voice was like a knife in the dancer/rapper's soul. He had clung to the others the whole time they had been locked in this living nightmare, always staying silent and letting his hyungs take all the pain. 'No fucking longer' the young man growled to himself, fists clenching painfully under the thin sheet covering him and Namjoon.

The next time those monsters came looking for one of his family, Hoseok was going to visit hell upon them.

Dorian had spent the evening watching the entertaining drama that had played out before his cameras, so he wasn't surprised when Mathan stormed into the room he used as a makeshift office.

"You, my dear son....are becoming somewhat of a disappointment to me." Dorian drawled as his son walked up to the desk. "Letting yourself be seen by those boys, not to mention the damage you visited upon your fellow team-mates."

Mathan stopped short at the desk, taking in the laptop his father was watching. He could see himself in the playback taking out Smith and then Davis before pounding into Carl. He watched himself lean over Taehyung then go after the others to help him.

"I didn't realize that you were watching us as well as your cash cow." Mathan tried to inject the right amount of sarcasm into his voice but he had not completely sobered up. "Carl was beating the crap out of one of them, for reasons I don't know, and I figured you might be upset if one of your investments got dead."

His father laughed and rewound the video, letting Mathan see Carl go into the boys' room and then return dragging out a frightened looking Jungkook. He felt his stomach turn as he watched Carl assault the young man. He also felt the same surprise that Jungkook and Carl must have felt when Taehyung sprang into action.

Glaring at his father, Mathan demanded, "If you were watching this.....why didn't you stop him!"

"Now, why would I stop Carl from having a bit of sport? He wouldn't have hurt the boy, much." Dorian smirked for a moment but then anger crossed his face. "Because of your actions I have had to call in a few favors to clean this mess up."

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