BTS Kidnapped! Part Fifty-Eight by Sandra & Kaelyn

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 [ DISCLAIMER/TRIGGER WARNING: This story contains some very strong, very homophobic, language towards the end, and so if that triggers you, you may want to stop when Dorian (who really is just a huge piece of shit) enters the tale. Please know that Sandra and I both respect all forms of human life and we think the concept of love is such a wonderful, beautiful, amazing thing. Love, in its truest form, has no discrimination and can transcend all things. Religion, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, even age (within reason.) To be able to find the soul your own soul can call home is probably the most beautiful thing there is. A person's packaging is just that. Don't ever let someone's gender or looks deter you from getting to know their soul. Some of the most beautiful people in the world are just packages of sorrow and despair. So please, don't be too offended with us for how Dorian acts. Sandra and I both know he is toxic and very incorrect. It's just... Dorian has never been in love and so he has no idea how strong the wings of love are. Maybe one day he will learn for himself, but I am pretty sure he will just die first. Ain't no one got time for his shiz. If anything about this offends you personally, Sandra and I really want to know so that we can come together with you and help you overcome whatever it may be. We want to be as loving, and as accepting, and as understanding as possible, because there are still a lot of things neither of us know. We will always be here for our readers because even if they don't think it, you all are our friends. So if you ever need a shoulder to lean on, or a good ear, my name is Kaelyn and you can hit me up any time at @kaelyn_grey on twitter or or at Sandra (, @Ladymidnight122 on Twitter) . Sandra said you could also yell at her since she did write Dorian that way. Feel free to scream at her at on Twitter or send your rage to her inbox. ] 

Several days passed between Yoongi's meeting and the next. He had refused to disclose any of the details of said meeting for fear that his brothers would be discouraged. He feared they would turn on each other more than they already had; feared they would cause more harm knowing that Kim Taehyung had also sold his soul to a devil named Ivchenko. When the Russian guard named Gregor finally returned, the members of Bangtan Sonyeondan tensed, watching with baited breath as Taehyung was jerked from his seat on his bed and pulled from the room, a look of sheer terror in his eyes.

Yoongi suppressed the sound of disgust that bubbled in his chest as the remaining prisoners looked at the door in horror and fear. No one moved for almost ten minutes, jumping only when the door opened again and a female guard motioned for Namjoon to join her, turning and walking away as she expected him to follow.

Namjoon had no idea what was going on, or what new torture he would face, and held his breath as he was lead to a solid door.

"You have one hour, Mr. Kim Namjoon," the guard said, her Russian accent marring the English that she spoke. "Do not upset Master's Jewel, yes?"

Speaking no more the guard opened the door and shoved Namjoon in before slamming the door shut and locking it from the outside.

"Hyung," Jimin breathed, terrified to see his leader.

If Kim Namjoon was in this room with him that could only mean that Kim Taehyung... Jimin closed his eyes as his heart broke once more.

"Jimin-ah," Namjoon breathed, relief overtaking him as he walked over to his brother, pulling the boy up and into his embrace. "What have they done to you?"

Namjoon's voice was calming...soft. It was like a fortified wall to Jimin's soul but in that moment it caused him to break.

"He has Taehyung-ah," Jimin sobbed, his fingers tangling in his leaders' shirt as he held on to him as tightly as he could. "My Master...Taehyung-ah is with him. It is how I am here..."

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