BTS Kidnapped! Part Five by Sandra & Kaelyn

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Jungkook's rise to awareness came slowly, at first with confusion as the last memories of walking out of the studio filtered in; then with growing panic as he realized that he could neither see nor speak and his hands and feet were tied together. His first instinct was to thrash around in an attempt to free himself, but a voice within warned, be still. He could hear movement around him, the sounds of muffled groaning and moans.

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Jungkook's heart stopped, then raced with growing fear as an alien-sounding voice spoke in English, "Gentlemen of BTS, you will be our guest for a while. As long as you cooperate with us and cause no trouble you will be well treated and returned home in no time. I am aware that most of you are limited with English but there is one who can understand and speak fluently. I am sure that he can and will translate for us after we leave."

The strange voice moved closer to Jungkook and he couldn't stop his body from shrinking away. He also couldn't contain a muffled shout as he felt a metal object at his wrists, then his hands were freed and next his feet. Instinct had him reaching for the gag at his mouth, but a gloved hand wrapped itself around his trembling fingers.

Then the voice spoke again, "Your leader, Namjoon Kim has had his gag removed and will translate what I have just said as well as this order. Your restraints will be removed, leave the blindfolds on until you hear the door close. Please be aware that everything you do within this common room is being recorded and translated. The bathrooms are only under a microphone for visual privacy."


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