BTS Kidnapped! Part Forty-Nine by Sandra & Kaelyn

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"I come to you today," Bang Shi-Hyuk started, "to tell you that you have been lied to. You, the citizens of South Korea, have been lied to by your government, and law enforcement officials. The people who took Bangtan Sonyeondan are not terrorists as you have been led to believe, they are monsters. Monsters who have been allowed to do unspeakable things to the seven young men they still hold captive. While those who are meant to protect us have quietly sat, desperately trying to sweep everything under the rug as they lined their pockets with money for bribery, we have been left to suffer, and to question. Seven families have been left in limbo with no firm answer as to what happened to their sons, and millions of fans have been unable to mourn or find closure because in the end, no one really cared about what happened to Bangtan Sonyeondan. No one cared about Kim Seokjin, or Jung Hoseok. Min Yoongi or Kim Namjoon. Park Jimin or Kim Taehyung. Not even Jeon Jungkook. They said that I was the monster. That I used my idols to try and salvage a failing company. That I was crazy...deranged...guilty. And because those in charge of the investigation still refuse to clear my name, I have decided to do so myself. Through the contacts and friends that I still have in the industry who have risked everything to make today happen, I would like to announce that I, Bang Shi-hyuk, am innocent on all charges brought against me, and that the seven members of Bangtan Sonyeondan, as unwell as they must be, are still alive, clinging to hope that the nation that abandoned them, will rescue them from the hell they still find themselves in. As you entered this conference today you were handed a c.d., which I encourage you to listen to and to share. On this c.d. you will hear a conversation that took place less than 48 hours ago, witnessed by Inspector Daniel Kwon, between myself, and Park Jimin, in which he confirmed what I have known for a while. Bangtan Sonyeondan is still alive, and I, Bang Shi-hyuk will do whatever it takes to bring them home that way."

"Somebody get over there and shut him up!!!" the Senior Inspector roared, eyes glued to the T.V. at the station as he picked up the phone, dialing the first news agency he could think of to have them pull their cameras. "Kwon, you knew about this?"

Inspector Kwon had walked into the station and froze when he heard his name on the T.V.

"I knew about the tape, Sir," he said, looking at his supervisor. "But I did not think he would be able to organize something of this magnitude so quickly. If you remember I presented my work phone as evidence of the phone call in question. I recorded the majority of it myself, and I have a full copy here for inspection and comparison."

Inspector Kwon crossed the room and placed the CD on the Senior Inspector's desk before looking at the T.V.

"Will this be shifted back to a missing persons and hostage case?"

The Senior Inspector snorted as he slammed the phone down looking at his subordinate.

"Of course not. That man is deluded, and those poor young men are dead somewhere at his hand. Once you get me all the pieces we need, a warrant will be signed for his arrest."

"He didn't do it," Kwon said, looking the man behind the desk in the eye. "I heard the call myself as it occurred. I believe without a doubt Park Jimin was on the other end of the phone, and I am certain that once this disk is analyzed Bang Shi-hyuk will be exonerated. On all charges."

The Senior Inspector looked at the man before him before laughing heartily.

"I expected more from you Kwon," he said, shaking his head. "Retired Commissioner General Park always spoke so highly of you. He must be so disappointed to see what you have become. Don't forget he is the only reason you walk about this station in such comfort."

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