BTS Kidnapped! Part Forty-Five by Sandra & Kaelyn

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As soon as the door shut Namjoon turned on Taehyung.

"What happened?" he asked as he approached the boy, looking for any physical sign that his dongsaeng had been damaged.

"Nothing happened!" Taehyung insisted, giving his hyung a smile. "He said he wanted to talk to me and that is all we did, I promise. He told me he wanted to talk to all of us but...Mathan would never allow that. You know this..."

Namjoon paused as he considered the boy again, his eyes raking over the expensive clothes.

"They were a gift," Taehyung said softly, acting slightly ashamed. "He said...he wanted to make sure they fit but... He let me change in the bathroom so..." Taehyung looked up, his eyes focusing on each member in the room. "As terrible as it sounds...he was a gentleman about it and...once I had received his gift...he let me go. No harm, no foul."

"You're lying," a rough voice came from the corner where Jungkook sat.

"I'm not!" Taehyung insisted, causing Jungkook to let loose a low, sarcastic laugh.

"Just like when you lied to me and told you didn't love me anymore only to turn around when Yoongi hyung threw you away and begged me to take you back?" Jungkook asked, his eyes dangerous, a burning anger barely hidden there.

Jin moved over to Taehyung glaring at Jungkook.

"We need to stay calm...we are just worried about you, Tae-ah. You were gone for over thirty minutes and Mathan-ah was very upset. I am sure that Jungkook-ssi will re-think his words."

Yoongi flopped down on the bed furthest away from the group sneering at Jin.

"Of course, you can be have Mathan Foley to protect you. Tell me, Jin-ah, in all the time we have been in this hell...what is the worst thing that has happened to you?"

Jin looked at Yoongi in hurt and surprise, unsure of what to say.

"Watch your mouth Min Yoongi," Hoseok growled, looking at the man. "Or did you not learn your lesson when you were drug out of here and punished for your disrespect?"

Yoongi reared up snarling at the rapper/dancer, "So you call being pulled out, raped and tortured for several hours a lesson in respect...pretty twisted fucking lesson there, Jung Hoseok?"

There was a horrified pause as Yoongi finally spoke aloud what they had all suspected but the anger in the room only grew.

Jungkook gave a low laugh, mean and ugly.

"He doesn't care, Yoon-ah...all he got was a nick on the leg. He has kept quiet, hiding in the corner just like a good little boy."

"Shut your fucking mouth Jeon Jungkook," Namjoon said, his voice deadly and low as he concentrated on the maknae, his hands balling in to fists as he stood.

"Or what? Hyung?" Jungkook asked, a shit eating smirk on his face. "No one's scared of you. We all saw you become that guards little punching bag. All you did was sit there and take it like a whore."

Jin managed to wrap his arms around Hoseok as the other attempted to jump Jungkook. But there was no one to stop Namjoon's fist as it connected to Kookie's jaw. The maknae stumbled back against the wall, then growled and started swinging his fists.

Namjoon deftly avoided the maknae's swings, all those years of dancing finally paying off. Unfortunately for the younger man, Jeon Jungkook had pissed off Kim Namjoon for the last time. Grabbing him by the neck Namjoon slammed Jungkook into the wall behind him, the younger man's head making a sharp crack as it connected with the surface and bounced back off, stars forming before his eyes.

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