BTS Kidnapped! Part Sixty

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The room of BTS' prison was silent as Sven with several armed guards walked in. The monster smiled at the sight of the divided group, five of the members sitting clustered around the table while Taehyung sat alone on the bed furthest from the others. He was pleased to see his angel dressed in the black silk suit that he had Gregor deliver along with the message to make himself presentable.

Sven montioned to the guard carrying his chair where to place it, then he seated himself and waved to the doorway. Jimin slowly walked in wearing a matching white silk suit. Pointing to both Jimin and Taehyung Sven silently indicated when he wanted them, giving the others seated at the table an evil smile when they took up their standing positions behind the chair.

"Now gentlemen...there has been a grave transgression and it must be addressed and punished." Sven said as he nodded at Misha.

Without giving any time for reaction Misha and the guards moved as one.

Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi and Jungkook found themselves grabbed and herded into a corner by the armed guards crying out at the sight of the female guard yanking Seokjin from his seat.

The silver flash of a blade placed against their eldest brother's neck had Namjoon screaming out in English, "NO GOD DON'T DO IT!!"

Mathan had finished a quick meet with Pyro when he walked into a nightmare of epic proportions.

Sven was sitting on one side of Bangtan Sonyeondan's cell with Jimin and Taehyung flanking him like stone statues. Namjoon, Yoongi, Jungkook and Hoseok were being held at gunpoint along the far wall by several of Sven's largest and most heavily armed guards. Misha was standing behind Jin, hand tangled in his hair and a large blade held to his throat.

Mathan made as if to move towards Jin when he felt the cold barrel of a gun at the base of his neck.

"Not so fast there, son...we wouldn't want you to stop the party before it has even begun." The ice-cold voice of his father came from behind him.

"Yes, please join us, Mr. Foley...I was just about to open these young men's eyes to the plans of their savior."

Sven's gaze was malicious as he looked from Mathan to Jin.

Mathan allowed his father to push him further into the room as he sent a reassuring smile to his angel. He only hoped that Jin remembered the conversation they had had a few days earlier in which he had tried to reassure Jin once more that nothing bad was going to happen to his brothers again.

"Seokjin," Mathan had said, placing his hands on the man's shoulders in comfort. "I would never do anything to harm you, or take advantage of you in any way. I'm not like that. The people who do those things are cruel and perverse monsters. I am simply a monster of another sort. And no matter what any of you may believe, I have never been, nor will I ever be, afraid of Sven or any of his ilk. There is nothing they can do or say to me, nothing they can take away from me, to make me fear them in any way. Sven will never have the chance to touch you, or any more of your brothers, because the time has come for me to kill him where he stands if he ever tries again. I am not a coward, Kim Seokjin. And I have nothing to hide. But it is your choice alone if you believe me or not. There is nothing that I can say or do to make you think any differently of me than what you choose. Do you understand?"

He cursed himself for letting Sven and his father's silence on his attacking of the Russian lull him into a false sense of complacency. He should have known that those two devils would not let him escape hell so easily but now it looked as if the innocent would pay for his crime as well.

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