BTS Kidnapped! Part Sixty-Two by Sandra & Kaelyn

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Mathan lay on his cot forcing himself to take another pain pill. He already suffered through Sven's doctor checking him out and giving him the salves and antibiotics he would need to treat the deep burn he now sported on his chest just above his barely beating heart. He could feel it all the way to his spine and he worried how far back this would push the escape plan.

He was bothered by Sven and the doctor's visit more than he wanted to admit. Sven had just stood by the door smiling at him, Jimin not with him this time and the sadistic fuck of a doctor tsking at him the entire time he had examined Mathan. But it was the smile the doctor sent him as he bowed and said 'thank you 'that caused every danger instinct in him to flare to life.

His uncle, Carl Foley walking in a few hours after that wasn't making him feel any better either.

"I have to congratulate you on remaining so calm, considering." Carl smirked.

Trying to shut out the man by laying an arm over his eyes Mathan pretended that he hadn't heard Carl speak.

Carl went on knowing that the pain he was about to inflict was as bad as the burn that Mathan now wore.

"Yea, the doctor wouldn't shut up about his evening with the beautiful Jin. It was sickening the way that little toad was going on about how wonderful a lover Jin was, what a gorgeous body he had and how romantic their time together was."

Mathan went cold at Carl's first words and by the time the man finished speaking he was arctic. His mind flashed on the doctor's smile and last words to him. There was no more thought after that.

He was off the cot and Carl was flat on the floor in a matter of seconds.

With his breath wheezing out of his burning chest Mathan was at the steel door of BTS' cell in less than a minute. Pushing the door open, he walked in. He locked in on Jin crying in Yoongi's arms, then Namjoon on the floor weeping as Hoseok and Jungkook held him. Taehyung was nowhere to be found.

Mathan's voice came out a low growl as he asked, "What the hell happened to Seokjin?"

He watched as Jin flinched violently curling in on himself within Yoongi's arms.

The look that Yoongi sent him was hard and savage as he answered, destroying the last bit of humanity that Mathan Foley had in his black soul.

"What the fuck do you think happened to him? He and I are in the same club now. We've been fucked by monsters."

Mathan took an involuntary step towards Jin, a hand reaching out only to freeze when the young man reared off the bed throwing himself into the far corner of the room. Jin wrapped his arms around his knees hiding his face, rocking back and forth. Yoongi moved to shield him with his own body and a blanket he had grabbed.

His heart dead in his chest, Mathan turned walking out the door slamming it behind him. Less than a minute later through steel and concrete all heard the roar of rage and pain that echoed everywhere.

Even though the five young men inside the prison had heard Mathan's scream of pain they had not seen him fall unconscious as his brain shut down to help him cope. Instead the three younger members had sprung in to action, each of them assuming a post as Yoongi slowly turned and approached his hyung-nim, crouching carefully in front of him and extending the blanket in his hands before him.

"Seokjin-hyung," he said softly. "He's gone now. It's okay."

"I can't let Mathan-ah touch me now....I'm tainted...." Seokjin whispered tearfully to himself as he rocked back and forth.

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