BTS Kidnapped! Part Forty-Four by Sandra & Kaelyn

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Mathan had little time to gather his thoughts on the short trip to Sven's room and took a moment before knocking to compose himself, knowing that he could not just kill the man and be done with it. Closing his eyes and counting to five Mathan knocked firmly on the steel door and waited for Sven to answer, his hands in fists behind his back.

Looking down at his watch Sven mused that it hadn't taken the guard dog long to come barking at his door. Throwing a grin at Misha, he nodded for her to open it and let the man in.

"What can I do for you this fine snowy afternoon, Mr. Foley?" Sven inquired as he leaned back in his chair and stretched his legs out, making himself look very relaxed almost boneless.

"Where is Jimin?" Mathan hissed as he entered and looked around. "And what business do you have with Taehyung?"

"I hardly think it is any of your business what I do with my property but if you must know...Jimin was bad and he is paying the price."

Completely ignoring Mathan's question about Taehyung because he knew it would get under the man's skin Sven took out a thin cigar and lit it.

"Jimin isn't property," Mathan scolded. "And he isn't some child. How do I know you haven't slit his throat and left him to bleed out because you got bored or broke him or something?"

It wasn't lost on Mathan that Sven was trying to mindfuck him as well; he just wasn't going to let it work. The asshole seemed to have forgotten that Mathan had met monsters far worse than his adolescent ass.

Straightening in the chair Sven waved Misha out of the room. When the female guard was gone he let the mask of civility drop from his face.

"Jimin made the error of touching something he shouldn't have, normally I would have had fingers removed for such an offence, but I didn't want to mar his perfection. He is resting quite comfortably and unharmed in any way in the smaller suite next door. You are more than welcome to check on him, if you like?"

Mathan eyed the man cruelly. He knew better than to trust a rat.

"What did you do to Taehyung?" he growled, his eyes narrowed dangerously.

Giving a sad put-upon sigh, Sven stood walking to the large mirror. He took his time going over his appearance before zeroing in on Mathan's reflection.

"I did nothing to the young man...we simply had a conversation. All quite innocent, Mr. Foley, I assure you."

Turning around to face Mathan Sven set the trap and waited to see if the American would walk into it.

"Jimin has been a little lonely lately...I haven't been able to give him as much of my full attention as he deserves. So, Mr. Foley, would you be interested in coming to an agreement?"

"I don't make deals with scum like you," Mathan said, his jaw clenching and unclenching. "Your kind never seems to keep their word. As for your pet...maybe you should learn how to take care of such things lest they run away again..."

Sven felt his whole-body clench and it was only through sheer will and luck on Mathan's part that he didn't pull out his gun ending the conversation with a bullet between the American's eyes.

Giving Mathan his coldest smile Sven asked, "Not even if it allows Jimin to spend time with his beloved Jungkook or his other hyungs?"

Mathan locked down at that. Everything in him screamed 'no'; told him it was a trap, but his heart was screaming 'yes'. Countless times the others had asked about their brother and every time Mathan had never been able to provide an honest or comforting answer. It had already begun to take a toll.

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