BTS Kidnapped! Part Thirty-Nine by Sandra & Kaelyn

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(South Korea)

Newly promoted police inspector Daniel 'Danny' Kwon was not looking forward to the case he had just been assigned. He and his partner were about to interview Bang Si-hyuk, the former head of BigHit Entertainment, about his involvement in the kidnapping and death of Bangtan Sonyeondan. The higher-ups in the department wanted as quick a confession as possible to give the families and public some closure to what had rapidly become a national scandal.

The problem was that as Danny looked though the file it left him with more questions than answers. So many pieces were just not adding up and when he tried talking to his partner about it all he got was a shrug and blank stare. It had become clear to him that all his partner cared about was how close to retirement he was and how soon he could leave to go drinking. Danny wasn't stupid, he was aware that they had been assigned this case to wrap it up quickly and call it closed but he was unwilling to do that until he had the answers that made sense.

Maybe this interview would start some of the pieces coming together to lead Danny to the answers that he, the families and the whole of Korea and the world needed to understand why seven young men died so tragically.

Stepping into the interrogation room Danny could see his partner sitting across from a man who looked like he was walking through the fires of hell. His appearance ragged, Bang Si-hyuk was wearing clothes that he appeared to have slept in for several days and it was clear to Danny that the man had lost a considerable amount of weight. It was hard for the young inspector to reconcile the man in front of him with the man the families of Bangtan Sonyeondan had described as a caring mentor and father-like figure to their sons.

The evidence turned over to them by SME showed a cold, cruel tyrant who was at constant odds with Bangtan Sonyeondan over their music, personal lives and schedules to the point of almost coming to physical blows. There wasn't more than one Bang Si-hyuk in the world and Danny was determined to discover which man they had in this room with them.

Hitman looked up in exhaustion as the door to the interrogation room opened once more. He had been in this room for thirty odd hours, several men coming in and out to question him, trying everything in the world to get him to confess to things he would never do. Now it seemed they had found a fresh face to try and break him. Cautiously watching the man shut the door and take a seat Bang Si-hyuk waited for his undivided attention before speaking.

"Good afternoon, Bang Si-hyuk-ssi...I am Inspector Danny Kwon and I need to ask you some questions about what happened to Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi..." As Danny spoke each name he laid a publicity still of that member in front of the man. "...Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook."

"My statement remains the same," he said softly, once again trying to contain the emotions that he felt as his hands ghosted over the photos. "I didn't do anything to those boys... My boys. All I did...was fail to keep them safe. To bring them home. But I never caused this. I don't care what your 'evidence' says. I cared a great deal for them. Staked my entire company on their success. I don't know what more you want me to say and...I honestly have no idea why I even bother to say anything when none of you will listen to me and see reason. I've told you the truth. Everything I know. I don't know what else to do..."

Danny looked over at his partner surprised to see that it looked as if the man were sound asleep. Sighing under his breath Danny poked the man under the table and suggested that he might get Bang Si-hyuk a cup of coffee since it looked as if the other man needed it.

Once his partner was out of the room Inspector Danny Kwon turned a cold hard face to the former head of BigHit.

"These young men are dead and right now all the evidence we have says that you might have had something to do with it."

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