BTS Kidnapped! Part Twenty-Eight by Sandra & Kaelyn

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Mathan had left in the dead of night without telling anyone and now, three days on, he regretted it. Over and over again he reminded himself he should have at least told Seokjin. Now as he rushed to find help all he could do was worry that something would happen in the time he was gone. He had wanted to make this mission a quick one but so far, every door he tried had been slammed in his face telling him he was lucky if he only received the death penalty for the shit he was caught up in now.

Exhausting all of his domestic contacts Mathan dug out his passport, prayed he had not been black listed and hopped a plane to the Caribbean, hoping he would not be shot when he showed up on his old friend's doorstep.

Twelve hours later he was leaving the plane in Nassau and boarding a chartered boat to a small private island that was otherwise inaccessible. The captain didn't speak much and for that Mathan was thankful. He had no idea what he was going to say or how he was going to convince the man he had once abandoned to help him.

Walking up the beach, Mathan couldn't help but pause and admire the sprawling mansion he found hidden in the cliffs.

"Damn, son," he breathed as he dropped his bag and slowly approached the front door, arms raised in surrender lest he get shot.

Just as he expected a spot light hit and he heard a gun calk.

"Been a long time, Rider," he said softly.

"Three seconds to convince me not to kill a traitor, Beorn."

Mathan hung his head.

"M sorry," he said honestly. "I had no idea it would go that far south."

"Every man for himself though, isn't it?" the man with the gun asked.

"Not anymore," Mathan said. "I need some help and...I don't know where else to turn."

"Better swim your ass back to the mainland then," the guy snorted.

"It's dangerous," Mathan tried.

"I'm married," Rider said.

"I'll pay you," Mathan tried again.

"Do I look like I need money?" The guy asked humor in his tone.

"I'll make you a hero," Mathan said, getting desperate.

"Heroes lie in graves. I like being alive."


Mathan closed his eyes and fell to his knees. He didn't know what else to say and he was running out of aces.

"What means so damn much to you that you come half way across the world and risk being killed just to get rejected," the man asked with pause.

"Remember when I failed my sister?" he asked, looking at the man with pain in his eyes. "I cannot fail someone like that again. And right now, I have seven people depending on me to save them from Dorian Foley and Sven."

"Where is Kaelyn?" Rider asked softly.

"Next on my list..." Mathan admitted.

"Don't," Rider insisted. "If she is happy..."

"She is..."

"When?" Rider asked as he lowered his gun and turned off the bright light.

"I don't know," Mathan said, sounding unsure. "Everyone has told me no. You, Kaelyn, and Pyro are it. Everyone else is dead prison."

"What do you need?" Rider asked.

"Evac," Mathan said as he thought. "A shit load of medical. Distractions. Weapons. Ammo. Pyrotechnics, obviously. Someone to have our backs until we get to safety. Maybe we need to split in to two teams. I'm not even sure."

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