BTS Kidnapped! Part Thirty-Two by Sandra & Kaelyn

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Jin was finding it hard to control his anger, even with Jungkook laying sick between them. He wanted to throw himself at the larger man and scream, punch and kick until the other hurt as much as he did.

Mathan had heard the slip in Jin's question and it tugged at his heart.

"Help me get him out of here and in dry clothes and I promise I will answer that Seokjin-ah," Mathan said quietly, his eyes sad.

He wanted to tell his angel everything...he would...but he had to take care of the boy in his arms first.

Standing with Jungkook Mathan helped Jin get him out of wet clothes, holding him while Jin dried him off and dressed him in the dry ones, putting a jacket back on him before following Mathan out to where the man laid him down, holding one hand over the boy's chest and the other against the pulse point of his neck, his eyes closed in concentration.

"How did he get this sick?" Mathan asked, leaning down and putting an ear to Jungkook's chest, listening to his lungs and frowning.

Mathan expected Jin to answer but it was Namjoon who spoke, "Your father decided it would be fun to let the stupid Korean boys think that they could escape. And when they failed, they were all stuck in freezing cold rooms while the leader thought they were dead. Plus, one who followed his stupid leader is now in the hands of your father's friend who seems to think he owns us now."

The others listened wide-eyed from the pile of blankets as Namjoon continued, "Or maybe it was Carl who came and took Kookie-ssi away for over two hours and he still won't tell us what happened. Jimin-ah tried to stop it and they took him away for three days, maybe that is why he turned to that monster. I couldn't stop any of this, I couldn't protect my brothers...I failed them."

Namjoon fell to his knees, anguished cries ripping themselves from his throat as Hoseok and Taehyung threw their arms around him.

Mathan looked around the room in horror as he tried to process what he had just heard.

"You...he...YOU DID WHAT?" he roared, standing up from Jungkook and looking around once more.

Mathan had thought that addressing the issues one at a time would work, but he was quickly losing his temper, especially when he realized he could have prevented this all...

Had none of them really trusted him then? Had they just played him for his help? Had he really been that stupid?

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?" he screamed, his mind racing.

For a brief second Jin was frozen by Mathan yelling, then came the anger.

"WHERE.....THE....FUCK...WAS....MATHAN-AH!!!!" Jin screamed into Mathan's face as he beat his fists against the larger man's chest. "We"

Each word followed by a fist striking the man.

Even the most savage member of BTS Yoongi watched in stunned surprise as their eldest cut loose in a way none of them had ever seen, and then he fell to the floor laughing hysterically.

Mathan stood there for a brief second in surprise before taking Jin's wrists in his large hands and spinning him, pulling Jin back to chest and crossing his arms in front of him.

"Mathan-ah went to get help for your stupid asses," he growled low in the man's ear.

He wanted to tell them how idiotic they had been for thinking they could escape but...he knew someone who had done it once before.

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